Help? LinkVehicleToInterior?

pawn Код:
new Vehicle, Vehicle2, Vehicle3;

Vehicle = AddStaticVehicle(416,-955.6572265625,341.486328125,1337.1796875, 0.0000,-1,-1);
LinkVehicleToInterior(Vehicle, 1);
Vehicle2 = AddStaticVehicle(416,-955.37664794922,348.65664672852,1337.1796875, 0.0000,-1,-1);
LinkVehicleToInterior(Vehicle2, 1);
Vehicle3 = AddStaticVehicle(416,-955.99737548828,333.26248168945,1337.1796875, 0.0000,-1,-1);
LinkVehicleToInterior(Vehicle3, 1);
Sorry, didn't notice the "Ex"... I don't know what You're supposed to have but id, x, y, z, r, col1 and col2 but this should work..

Messages In This Thread
Help? LinkVehicleToInterior? - by L!ghtBar@n - 01.03.2011, 15:30
Re: Help? LinkVehicleToInterior? - by Max_Coldheart - 01.03.2011, 15:32
Re: Help? LinkVehicleToInterior? - by Lorrden - 01.03.2011, 15:33
[No subject] - by L!ghtBar@n - 01.03.2011, 15:36

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