CNPC - wanna hear an official statement

Originally Posted by Fj0rtizFredde
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To bad its gone I loved that plugin and I used it since 0.3a. But are we still allowed to use the plugin without the fake players thing?
I guess so
why shouldn't it?
he said:
"I'd just like to add that we have means to determine if a server is faking their player count and any servers found with fake players are blocked from listing on our server lists."

meaning that he'd ban only those servers from serverlist which use it to fake their playercount
not saying he wouldn't ban server which just use it though
I don'T think they would

Messages In This Thread
CNPC - wanna hear an official statement - by Mauzen - 28.02.2011, 12:28
Re: CNPC - wanna hear an official statement - by Kalcor - 28.02.2011, 12:44
AW: CNPC - wanna hear an official statement - by Meta - 28.02.2011, 16:10
Re: CNPC - wanna hear an official statement - by Sergei - 28.02.2011, 16:59
Re: CNPC - wanna hear an official statement - by corp - 28.02.2011, 17:19
Re: CNPC - wanna hear an official statement - by Fj0rtizFredde - 28.02.2011, 17:35
Re: CNPC - wanna hear an official statement - by saiberfun - 28.02.2011, 18:47
Re: CNPC - wanna hear an official statement - by sansko - 28.02.2011, 19:50

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