[FilterScript] >dini< Gang System

@Hal it took me 5mins testing included ^^
and its verry SIMPLE yea! x'D
I just made it for guys how dont know that much about scripting...
So if i had made a complicate script
the beginners hadnt known how 2 work with ;D

& @BlueFire
shure i can update it and post in new Topic
because this is a System 4 beginners

Ill add you these Functions ;D

Messages In This Thread
>dini< Gang System - by [DR]Reaper[GEARS] - 26.02.2011, 14:14
Re: >dini< Gang System - by Master_Gangster - 26.02.2011, 14:17
Re: >dini< Gang System - by [DR]Reaper[GEARS] - 26.02.2011, 15:18
Re: >dini< Gang System - by .LaaRs. - 26.02.2011, 16:46
Re: >dini< Gang System - by [DR]Reaper[GEARS] - 26.02.2011, 17:20
Re: >dini< Gang System - by [FMJ]BlueFire - 26.02.2011, 17:24
Re: >dini< Gang System - by Hal - 26.02.2011, 20:51
Re: >dini< Gang System - by [DR]Reaper[GEARS] - 27.02.2011, 08:49
Re: >dini< Gang System - by [DR]Reaper[GEARS] - 27.02.2011, 09:01
Re: >dini< Gang System - by [nL]W0rfleR - 27.02.2011, 09:04

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