Hey all need help..

so I wanted to create a command witch will give +1 score and save it in users file..

Here will be the error lines:
error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_GRAY"
error 033: array must be indexed (variable "gPlayerAccount")
error 033: array must be indexed (variable "gPlayerAccount")
error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_GRAY"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
4 Errors.
and here is the command:

if(strcmp("/giverespect", cmd, true) == 0)
            tmp = strtok(cmdtext,idx);
                return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_LIGHTRED,"USAGE: /giverespect [id]");
            new id = strval(tmp);
            new pid = playerid;
                return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GRAY,"Server: This player is not online!");
            if (PlayerInfo[id][gPlayerAccount] < 400)
                new amsg[100];
                new victimid[MAX_PLAYERS];
                GetPlayerName(id, victimid, sizeof(victimid));
                format(amsg,sizeof(amsg),"Server: You have given %s one respect point!",victimid);
                return 1;
            else SendClientMessage(pid,COLOR_GRAY,"Server: This player already haves too many permissons (over 400)!");

Messages In This Thread
Hey all need help.. - by trapped1 - 26.02.2011, 21:58
Re: Hey all need help.. - by rjjj - 26.02.2011, 22:04
Re: Hey all need help.. - by trapped1 - 26.02.2011, 22:12
Re: Hey all need help.. - by Vero - 26.02.2011, 22:30
Re: Hey all need help.. - by trapped1 - 26.02.2011, 22:39

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