[GameMode] Zombie Panic! Source for SA-MP [MySQL] 1.0

Zombie Panic! Source for SA-MP 1.1

For this Version is MySQL required.

Its my First release :P
This is a game where Zombies fight against the last Survivors and vice versa.
Zombies have from start on more Health then a Survivor. But Zombies dont have any Weapon just the Zombie Arms
In the Zombie Team is 1 Zombie Carrier. He gots the ability to infect other Survivors which are close to him. He also has the Most health.

The Location: Its in the House of Mad Dogg ( In Singleplayer where you have to steal the ryhme book)

Survivors have 1 Melee Weapon and a Pistol. Stick together and you will Survive. You can get more ammo / Weapons if you Pick them up
If you where infected as a Surivor you can only cure yourself picking up a Health Pickup

As Survivor is it the Job to stay alive for 10 Minutes. By Using Weapons / Melee Weapons / Health Pickups and more
Find the Weapons whic are placed around the Map.

As Zombie you Job is to kill all Survivors. But be carefull you have only a limited amount of Lives so Work together and get them.


General Commands which can be used by everyone
/info - Shows your Current Health / Armour / Team / If you are Infected or not
/pm - Sends a Private Message to the entered Player-ID
/admins - Shows the Online Admins
/report - If you suspected a Rulebreaker / Cheater report him (/report id reaon) if no admin is on is gets saved into Database
/rules - Shows the Server Rules
/commands - Shows all comamnds which you can enter ( Some are might not be shown up if you are not in team)

Survivor Commands:
/smsg - Send a Message to all Surivors

Zombie Commands:
/zmsg - Send a Message to all Zombies
/infect - Infect a Surivor (Carrier Only)

More Info:
You are required to have at least 2 Players else the Round wont start
If the Zombie lives are 0 you will be set as "Spectator".
Survivors has only 1 life so stick together and help each other.
This Script is using a Register / Login System
It also has a little Admin System

If you have been killed by a Zombie. You will Re-spawn as zombie too.
You will then lose all your weapons
Your Health will decrease if you are infected
Some Health Pickups gives you more health but dont cure your infection. (Find them before you mutate)
If you are Zombie on the left you see the current Zombie lives. Decrease if a zombie dies. Or Increase if a zombie kills a Survivor

Admin Functions
Currently just 2 Levels (lvl 2 can do everything)
Kick - Kicks a player
Ban - Bans a player
Mute - Force a Player to shut up
Unmute - Allowes him to talk
Freeze - Freezes a player
Unfreeze - Unfreezese a player
Infect - Infect a Survivor
Cure Infection - Cures a Infection of a Survivor
Force Zombie - Forces the player to play as Zombie ( He also will lose all Weapons if he had some)
Force Survivors - Forces the player to play as Survivor ( Gives him the Default Weapons / Melee and Pistol)
Admin Kill - Kills the player
Admin PM - Write a Private Message as admin

Making yourself admin
Go Ingame register. Close game
Go into the phpmyadmin table "users" and find admin_level
Edit this to 2 ( currently just 2 admin levels)
Save it

Opening Admin panel
Go ingame login
Press Tab and double click on your name
The Admin Panel will shown up


Latest Version: 1.1

What has changed...

Well i forgott to add the pickups (Only Survivors can pick them up)
Added a Little Anticheat System

PasteBin: Click me v1.1
MegaUpload Click me v1.1
RapidShare Click me v1.1
MediaFire Click me v1.1


Click me for RAR Archieve
Click me for ZIP Archieve

**Old Version**
Pastebin: Click here
Megaupload: Click Here
RapidShare: Click here
MediaFire: Click Here

Y-less for sscanf
Luxurion for his SaveIn
SA-MP Team making everything possible
G-sTyLeZzZ for the MySQL Plugin
The guy how made GetPlayersInTeam ( Cant Remember)
And the guy how made GetDistanceBetweenPlayers
Zeex - For ZCMD
Developer of Zombie Panic! Source the Steam Version that gaves me the idea
If i have someone forgotten to write here im sorry... Please post below ill add you or send me a pm :P

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