[FilterScript] [FS] Trampoline Competition by MaVe

Once i\'ve written a gm for a trampoline event, now this event is over and i converted the gm into a FS and decided to release it.

I have got a german and an english version.

/tramp -> Participate in TrampCompetition
/trampexit -> Leave TrampCompetition

RCON-Admin (english | german):
/setnow | /setaktuell [playerid] -> Set player who tries to break record
/resetnow | /resetaktuell -> Reset player who tries to break record
/gettries | /getversuche -> Get tries left
/settries | /setversuche [difference (+/-)] -> Set tries left
/resetbest | /resetbest -> Reset best player
/nexttry | /nexttry -> Give player 1 try less
/invalid | /invalid -> If player jumps invalid (repeat jump)
/cleantramp | /cleantramp -> Clean trampoline

Known bugs:
None for now. Report bugs to help me debugging it.

Note: I didn\'t test the FS version yet, only gm.

Note 2: Pls don\'t remove the (hidden) credits!

Maybe i\'m going to release gm version later too.

Mirrors allowed.


I hope you enjoy this,
- MaVe

Messages In This Thread
[FS] Trampoline Competition by MaVe - by Streetplaya - 03.07.2008, 09:06
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by winker2k6 - 03.07.2008, 09:09
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by |0xyG3NІ| - 03.07.2008, 09:11
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by CJoao - 03.07.2008, 09:22
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by Streetplaya - 03.07.2008, 09:36
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by Christian R. - 03.07.2008, 09:45
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by 0XYG3NISTHAPWNAGEBECAUSEH - 03.07.2008, 10:01
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by Streetplaya - 03.07.2008, 10:08
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by rafay - 03.07.2008, 10:13
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by Zh3r0 - 03.07.2008, 17:11
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by sebihunter - 03.07.2008, 18:18
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by DauerDicht - 03.07.2008, 19:16
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by Streetplaya - 03.07.2008, 19:45
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by DauerDicht - 03.07.2008, 22:05
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by Streetplaya - 04.07.2008, 05:04
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by Streetplaya - 05.09.2008, 17:54
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by error55o - 24.10.2008, 00:07
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by Streetplaya - 26.10.2008, 09:47
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by MenaceX^ - 26.10.2008, 10:27
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by error55o - 26.10.2008, 14:31
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by Streetplaya - 30.10.2008, 19:30
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by whooper - 31.10.2008, 01:31
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by Streetplaya - 31.10.2008, 21:50
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by MaVe - by yezizhu - 04.02.2009, 15:56
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by AlExAlExAlEx - 04.02.2009, 19:49
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by Streetplaya - by Streetplaya - 09.02.2009, 12:13
Re: [FS] Trampoline Competition by MaVe - by lesley - 09.03.2009, 13:34

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