[Tutorial] TextDraw streaming/arranging

Here I will write how you can use almost any count of textdraws as you want, plus how to arrange them so they never gets fucked up, due I had this problem recently, I made small investigation.

So I guess any of you use some so called "per player textdraw", for such things as speedometer or some other things, most of people use
pawn Code:
new Text:Speed[MAX_PLAYERS]; //top

Speed[playerid] = TextDrawCreate(...
//Somewhere Show it etc

and will think this is done.

Well, when you will use this style and you will have few per player textdraws, in the end TDs wont handle many players, like if you run server with 150 slots last slots can run out of TDs, due samp limit 2048.

To avoid this, here is my solution, there can be many ways, I will show what I use ( without thinking about memory etc )
pawn Code:
new Text:Speed[MAX_PLAYERS] = {Text:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW, ...}; //top,so we say that its invalid and server wont use it

enum tdinfo
new PTD[MAX_PLAYERS][tdinfo]; //Here we will save which TDs is created for each player
Now we will make function which will handle per player textdraw
pawn Code:
    if(create)//Define if need to create or set string
        if(PTD[playerid][tSpeed] == 1)//we don't want create it again, so we just update its string
        else//else lets make it
            PTD[playerid][tSpeed] = 1;//We says to script, that we created it, so it will understand what we talk about
            Speed[playerid] = TextDrawCreate(30.0,240.0,string);
        TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid,Speed[playerid]);//Here we show TDs no matter created or updated
    else//So if we dont create it, we obviosly destroying it
        PTD[playerid][tSpeed] = 0;//Here we say that we destroy it
        Speed[playerid] = Text:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;//Here we once again say that this is invalid, so TDs wont fuck up by time
So in basic, we create it, if it isnt, updating if created and destroying if dont need it anymore.

In use
pawn Code:
//My Speedometer
SpeedTD(playerid,1,string);//playerid, 1 -  we want to create or update it, string - text you want show,
a.k.a TextDrawSetString
Places where is usefull to destroy
pawn Code:
SpeedTD(playerid,0,"Destroy");//playerid, 0 -  we want to destroy it, so it wont use memory etc anymore, "Destroy" - just some text so we use all tags
SpeedTD(playerid,0,"Destroy");//Same as above

In short version

We create textdraw only if we want to show it, like if you are out of car, why you need to make speedometer textdraw, so when you enter car we create one and when we exit car or disconnecting we destroying it.
But most important thing what I wanted to say is, its highly recommended to say to script which TD is valid and which isnt.

Messages In This Thread
TextDraw streaming/arranging - by Voldemort - 23.02.2011, 19:19
Re: TextDraw streaming/arranging - by alpha500delta - 23.02.2011, 21:25
Re: TextDraw streaming/arranging - by Voldemort - 24.02.2011, 10:22
Re: TextDraw streaming/arranging - by black_dota - 24.02.2011, 16:12
Re: TextDraw streaming/arranging - by Jay. - 24.02.2011, 17:30
Re: TextDraw streaming/arranging - by black_dota - 25.02.2011, 08:43
Re: TextDraw streaming/arranging - by [WTF]Godfather - 25.02.2011, 12:12

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