[Tutorial] TextDraw's Special Characters

TextDraw's Special Characters

► About the Tutorial:

I have been asked or I myself had wondered many times what the characters like !, @, etc would display in TextDraws. Sometimes it is annoying as using certain special characters would crash the server. So I decided to work out what the characters would display and here's the result.

► Characters:

Here's a list of keyboard characters and the respective TextDraw characters for all the 4 types of font.
The font types are:

* These are the how the characters would display. But sometimes they change(in small proportions) in the shape and structure based on the position and size of the TextDraw.

► Note:

• The empty spaces for certain characters in the image will display blank spaces.
• Remember that '~'(tilde) will crash the server.

Messages In This Thread
TextDraw's Special Characters - by deather - 22.02.2011, 03:00
Re: TextDraw's Special Characters - by Stigg - 22.02.2011, 03:23
Re: TextDraw's Special Characters - by Retardedwolf - 22.02.2011, 03:29
Re: TextDraw's Special Characters - by alpha500delta - 22.02.2011, 09:30
Re: TextDraw's Special Characters - by black_dota - 22.02.2011, 09:40
Re : TextDraw's Special Characters - by Varkoll_ - 09.02.2012, 20:11

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