
When player enters the house you need to chech what is house ID ( I'm gonna pretend it's 1)

So, when player enters house
pawn Код:
SetPVarInt(playerid, "InHouseID", /*Here you put your code to set house ID to player, mine is ->*/1);
And when he exits the house
pawn Код:
new hID = GetPVarInt(playerid, "InHouseID"));
//Open the file where you have your houses saved and just...
SetPlayerPos(playerid, House[hID][exitX], House[hID][exitY], House[hID][exitZ]);
Something like this...

Messages In This Thread
I NEED HELP FAST. - by NewbBeginner - 19.02.2011, 13:23
Re: I NEED HELP FAST. - by xRyder - 19.02.2011, 13:29
Re: I NEED HELP FAST. - by NewbBeginner - 19.02.2011, 13:33
Re: I NEED HELP FAST. - by xRyder - 19.02.2011, 13:41

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