Can me anybody help

Np - English isn't the first language for a lot of the users here but it's enough to communicate.
I'm sure I make a lot of mistakes, too.
The only thing that sucks is when some guys absolutely can't spell the words and you have to use a decryper to understand what they mean ; )

Messages In This Thread
Can me anybody help - by Adnan Pasic - 19.02.2011, 10:47
AW: Can me anybody help - by !Phoenix! - 19.02.2011, 10:55
Re: Can me anybody help - by Adnan Pasic - 19.02.2011, 10:59
AW: Can me anybody help - by !Phoenix! - 19.02.2011, 11:07
Re: Can me anybody help - by Adnan Pasic - 19.02.2011, 11:31
AW: Can me anybody help - by !Phoenix! - 19.02.2011, 11:33
Re: Can me anybody help - by Adnan Pasic - 19.02.2011, 11:46

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