Dialog won't show upp

pawn Код:
                if(listitem == 0)
                    new ivPrice = 30000, ivModel = 602, ivModelz[24] = "602",sCar = GetVehicleModelIDFromName(ivModelz);
                    if(GetPlayerCash(playerid) < ivPrice)
                        SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"WORKS UNTIL HERE");
                        new msg[128];
                                      // here stops working
                        format(msg, sizeof(msg), "car: $s costs: $d you need: $d", VehicleNames[sCar - 400], ivPrice, ivPrice - GetPlayerCash(playerid));
                        DialogBox(playerid, LOOOL+2, ""#CCADET"Not Enough Money!", msg , "Exit","");
                         // heree stops working
                        return 1;

                    if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) < 200) return DialogBox(playerid, LOOOL+1, ""#CCADET"Not enough score", ""CYELLOW"You need 200 score)", "Exit","");
                    // bla bla bla
                    // bla bla bla
                    // bla bla bla
                    return 1;
The dialog when it's not enough money won't show upp. It work's fine with score!

Messages In This Thread
Dialog won't show upp - by ajwar - 18.02.2011, 20:07
AW: Dialog won't show upp - by !Phoenix! - 18.02.2011, 20:13
Re: Dialog won't show upp - by ajwar - 18.02.2011, 20:23
AW: Dialog won't show upp - by !Phoenix! - 18.02.2011, 20:29

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