how to make RP tutorial

I know exactly what your talking about. Quizes are just a bunch of simple STRCMP texts (for answers) and variables. When the player register, set his quiz variable to 0 (Quiz[playerid] = 0 and question to # 1.(Question[playerid] = 1 If he types the right answer for the question, set the question variable to two and so on. When they did the final question (Example: if(Question[playerid] == 10)) Then do Quiz[playerid]. = 1; and Question = 0; That was just brief though. Like you said, if you can create your own gamemode and stuff, you should be able to finish it.

Messages In This Thread
how to make RP tutorial - by YungGee - 17.02.2011, 20:28
Re: how to make RP tutorial - by marinov - 17.02.2011, 21:37
Re: how to make RP tutorial - by YungGee - 17.02.2011, 21:41
Re: how to make RP tutorial - by Serbish - 17.02.2011, 22:00
Re: how to make RP tutorial - by YungGee - 17.02.2011, 22:07
Re: how to make RP tutorial - by California - 17.02.2011, 22:07
Re: how to make RP tutorial - by YungGee - 17.02.2011, 22:19
Re: how to make RP tutorial - by Serbish - 17.02.2011, 23:37
Re: how to make RP tutorial - by Zack9764 - 18.02.2011, 02:08

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