SA-MP 0.3c MTA Objects bug

The object ID's in MTA are different from the actual Object ID in SAMP. From what I've read on other forums, it's not possible to add new object ID's to MTA Map Editor.

So, the solution was to replace some of the existing GTA object textures in MTA editor, to show the new SAMP object. The object IDs can't be changed. So if an object is 13778 and shows a new SAMP object in MTA. The original object would show in its true form in SAMP.

So to show the new SAMP object. 13778 would become 18778.

I found it useful to write the description and ID when making maps with new SAMP objects in MTA.
Then checking the Wiki page for the correct ID.

So for example.

Tube100m2 - 13827 (Remember this in not its true object ID) Its true object Id would be 18827. Just replacing the 3 with the 8.

Wiki page link:

Messages In This Thread
SA-MP 0.3c MTA Objects bug - by GuikBretas - 16.02.2011, 19:34
Re: SA-MP 0.3c MTA Objects bug - by _Outbreak_ - 16.02.2011, 21:31

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