dialog problem

hey guys i think i done this rite but obviusly not...

error:compound statement not closed at end of file (started at line 233)

here is from the start of the funtion:
pawn Код:
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
if(dialogid == 0)
case 0:
MoveObject(gate1,617.9326171875, -597.0185546875, 5.7547760009766,5.0);
SendClientMessage(playerid,0x33CCCCAA,"Door1 is open please close it!");
case 1:
    MoveObject(gate1,617.93273925781, -597.01947021484, 11.754776000977,5.0);
    SendClientMessage(playerid,0x33CCCCAA,"Thanks for closing the door!");
case 2:
MoveObject(gate2,617.82763671875, -601.54425048828, 5.9297771453857,5.0);
SendClientMessage(playerid,0x33CCCCAA,"Door2 is open please close it!");
case 3:
MoveObject(gate2,617.82763671875, -601.54425048828, 11.754776000977,5.0);
SendClientMessage(playerid,0x33CCCCAA,"Thanks for closing the door!");
case 4:
    MoveObject(elevator,618.6357421875, -583.1748046875, 26.483013153076,7.0);
    SendClientMessage(playerid,0x33CCCCAA,"The elevator is going up!");
case 5:
MoveObject(elevator,618.63586425781, -583.17547607422, 17.233013153076,5.0);
SendClientMessage(playerid,0x33CCCCAA,"The elevator is going down!");

return 1;
plz help quick guys :]

pawn Код:
line 233 :if(dialogid == 0)

Messages In This Thread
dialog problem - by a!DaN)_)-) - 14.02.2011, 17:23
Re: dialog problem - by Medal Of Honor team - 14.02.2011, 17:24
Re: dialog problem - by PowerPC603 - 14.02.2011, 17:33
Re: dialog problem - by a!DaN)_)-) - 14.02.2011, 17:34
Re: dialog problem - by a!DaN)_)-) - 14.02.2011, 17:52
Re: dialog problem - by Anteino - 14.02.2011, 20:28

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