Divide 2 floats?

Found the error: I've copied the example and forget the replace the "F" of float with a little "f". I knew that I've forgotten something. I'll try, Thanks!

Messages In This Thread
Divide 2 floats? - by XCarBOn - 12.02.2011, 18:53
Re: Divide 2 floats? - by Ash. - 12.02.2011, 18:55
Re: Divide 2 floats? - by Hiddos - 12.02.2011, 18:55
Re: Divide 2 floats? - by XCarBOn - 12.02.2011, 20:20
Re: Divide 2 floats? - by Hiddos - 12.02.2011, 20:21
Re: Divide 2 floats? - by XCarBOn - 12.02.2011, 20:30

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