09.02.2011, 11:43
not sure so i just uploaded the whole code ![Wink](images/smilies/wink.png)
//============================================================================== // House Storage v1.3 by [03]Garsino! //============================================================================== // - Credits to DracoBlue for dini, dcmd and dudb. // - Credits to Incognito for his awesome streamer. // - Credits to ****** for sscanf2. // - Credits to whoever made GetPosInFrontOfPlayer. // - Credits to mick88 for FM (FormatMoney). // - Thanks to everyone who gave me ideas for this house system. // - Thanks to everyone who helped me find bugs. //============================================================================== // Changelog v1.3 //============================================================================== // - [Added] Added defines for SendClientMessages and all dialogs except the ones wich uses list items (now you can just replace these with yours instead of translating the script everytime a new release is out). // - [Fixed] Fixed small typo in /removehcar. // - [Fixed] Fixed small typo in a comment in the configuration section wich was misleading. // - [Added] Added /changehcar - this command allows you to change the model id for a housecar. // - [Added] Added Madd Dogg's Mansion as a house interior (house interior #10) //============================================================================== // Includes //============================================================================== #include <a_samp> // Credits to the SA:MP Developement Team #include <streamer> // Credits to Incognito #include <dini> // Credits to dracoblue #include <dudb> // Credits to dracoblue #include <sscanf2> // Credits to ****** //============================================================================== // Macros //============================================================================== //############################################################################## #undef MAX_PLAYERS #define MAX_PLAYERS 500 // Change it to the amount of server slots!! //############################################################################## #define dcmd(%1,%2,%3) if (!strcmp((%3)[1], #%1, true, (%2)) && ((((%3)[(%2) + 1] == '\0') && (dcmd_%1(playerid, ""))) || (((%3)[(%2) + 1] == ' ') && (dcmd_%1(playerid, (%3)[(%2) + 2]))))) return 1 new FALSE = false, CMDSString[1000]; #define ShowInfoBox(%0,%1,%2,%3) do{format(CMDSString, 1000, %2, %3); ShowPlayerDialog(%0, HOUSEMENU-1, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, %1, CMDSString, "Close", "Cancel");}while(FALSE) #define SendMSG(%0,%1,%2,%3,%4) do{new _str[%2]; format(_str,%2,%3,%4); SendClientMessage(%0,%1,_str);}while(FALSE) #define Loop(%0,%1) for(new %0 = 0; %0 < %1; %0++) #define TYPE_OUT (0) #define TYPE_INT (1) //============================================================================== // Colours //============================================================================== #define COLOUR_INFO 0x00FFFFFF #define COLOUR_SYSTEM 0xB60000FF #define COLOUR_YELLOW 0xFFFF2AFF #define COLOUR_GREEN 0x00BC00FF //============================================================================== // Configuration //============================================================================== #define HOUSEMENU 21700 // Dialog ID //#define SPAWN_IN_HOUSE // Comment if you do not want the player to spawn in his house the next time he rejoins. //#define GH_USE_MAPICONS // Comment if you do not want map icons. #define GH_USE_CPS // Comment if you want to use pickups instead #define GH_HINTERIOR_UPGRADE // Comment if you do not want players to be able to upgrade their house interior. #define HSPAWN_TIMER_RATE 1000 // After how long will the timer call the spawn in house function? (in ms) #define MICON_VD 50.0 // Map icon visible range (drawdistance). #define DEFAULT_H_INTERIOR 0 // Default house interior when creating a house #define DEFAULT_H_INTERIOR_PRICE 3000000 // Default house interior price when creating a house #define GH_USE_WEAPONSTORAGE // If defined the house owner may store their weapons in the house storage. //#define GH_SAVE_ADMINWEPS // If defined the house owner may save weapons like minigun, grenades, RPG's, etc. //#define GH_DEBUGGING // If defined it will enable debugging prints in the server console. //#define GH_HOUSECARS // If defined the script will have house cars (note: you need to add the house car position using /addhcar) // Note2: You need to define SPAWN_IN_HOUSE for it to create the housecar on the first spawn. #define HCAR_COLOUR1 -1 // The first colour of the housecar #define HCAR_COLOUR2 -1 // The second colour of the housecar #define HCAR_RESPAWN 60 // The respawn delay of the house car (in seconds) #define HCAR_RANGE 10.0 // The range to check for nearby vehicles when saving the house car. #define MAX_HOUSES 250 // Max houses created #define MAX_HOUSES_OWNED 1 // Max houses owned per player #define PICKUP_MODEL_OUT (1273) #define PICKUP_MODEL_INT (1272) #define PICKUP_TYPE (1) #define HOUSEFILE_LENGTH 30 // The length of the housefile (Default is /House Storage/Houses/<0-MAX_HOUSES>.ini #define MAX_VISIT_TIME 1 // The max time the player can be visiting in (In Minutes). #define INVALID_HOWNER_NAME "INVALID_PLAYER_ID" // The "name" of the house owner when there is no real house owner (if that made sense) #define TIME_BETWEEN_VISITS 2 // The time the player have to wait before previewing a new house interior (In minutes). #define H_INT_0_VALUE 3000000 // House interior price for house interior 0 #define H_INT_1_VALUE 100000 // House interior price for house interior 1 #define H_INT_2_VALUE 1000000 // House interior price for house interior 2 #define H_INT_3_VALUE 1500000 // House interior price for house interior 3 #define H_INT_4_VALUE 1500000 // House interior price for house interior 4 #define H_INT_5_VALUE 2500000 // House interior price for house interior 5 #define H_INT_6_VALUE 3000000 // House interior price for house interior 6 #define H_INT_7_VALUE 5000000 // House interior price for house interior 7 #define H_INT_8_VALUE 7500000 // House interior price for house interior 8 #define H_INT_9_VALUE 10000000 // House interior price for house interior 9 #define H_INT_10_VALUE 25000000 // House interior price for house interior 10 #define H_INT_11_VALUE 1000000 // This is the new house interior's valu #define HOUSE_SELLING_PROCENT 75 // The amount of the house value the player will get when the house is sold. #define HOUSE_SELLING_PROCENT2 6.5 // The total percentage the nearby houses will go up/down by when a house is sold/bought nearby. #define RANGE_BETWEEN_HOUSES 0 // The range used when increasing/decreasing the value of nearby houses when a house is bought/sold (set to 0 to disable) #define MAX_HOUSE_NAME 35 // Max length of a house name #define MIN_HOUSE_NAME 4 // Min length of a house name #define MAX_HOUSE_PASSWORD 35 // Max length of a house password #define MIN_HOUSE_PASSWORD 4 // Min length of a house password #define DEFAULT_HOUSE_NAME "House For Sale!" // The default name when a house is created/sold #define MIN_HOUSE_VALUE 100000 // Min house value of a house (ofc prices will change when a house is bought/sold nearby) #define MAX_HOUSE_VALUE 25000000 // Max house value of a house (ofc prices will change when a house is bought/sold nearby) #define CASE_SENSETIVE true // Used in strcmp name checks. Define as true/false [0/1]. Read wiki for more information #if defined GH_USE_CPS new HouseCPOut[MAX_HOUSES], HouseCPInt[MAX_HOUSES]; #endif #if !defined GH_USE_CPS new HousePickupOut[MAX_HOUSES], HousePickupInt[MAX_HOUSES]; #endif new Text3D:HouseLabel[MAX_HOUSES]; new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:Angle; #if defined GH_USE_MAPICONS new HouseMIcon[MAX_HOUSES]; #endif #if defined GH_HOUSECARS new HouseCar[MAX_HOUSES]; #endif //============================================================================== // Translation / SendClientMessage Messages //============================================================================== /* - Below you will find a list of messages. - You can translate these messages to whatever language you want. - When updating to a new version, simply replace the messages with the ones you translated. - But read the note where it says what version the messages below were added for. - There might have been some more messages added after this version of House Storage (v1.3), - so do not replace all of the messages without looking carefully if there is any new ones. - And be careful when editing messages containing placeholders (%s, %d, %i, etc), - if you change the position of these it will screw up eventually. - and do not remove or add any more placeholders if you do NOT know what you're doing. - Oh and one more thing, I did not translate the dialogs wich uses list items. You will have to do that yourself. Thanks, [03]Garsino. */ //############################################################################## // Messages added in v1.3 //############################################################################## //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Important. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define LABELTEXT1 "House Name: %s\nHouse Owner: No Owner\nHouse Value: $%d\nHouse ID: %d" #define LABELTEXT2 "House Name: %s\nHouse Owner: %s\nHouse Value: $%d\nHouse ID: %d" #define FILEPATH "/GarHouse/Houses/%d.ini" #define INFORMATION_HEADER "House System By Garhouse" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Information and error messages //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define E_NO_HOUSES_OWNED "You Do Not Own Any House." #define I_HMENU "Type /housemenu To Access The House Menu." #define E_H_ALREADY_OWNED "This House Is Already Owned By Someone Else." #define E_INVALID_HPASS_LENGTH "Invalid House Password Lenght." #define E_INVALID_HPASS "Invalid House Password. You May Not Use This House Password." #define E_INVALID_HPASS_CHARS "Your House Password Contains Illegal Characters (Percentage Sign Or ~)." #define E_INVALID_HNAME_LENGTH "Invalid House Name Lenght." #define E_INVALID_HNAME_CHARS "Your House Name Contains Illegal Characters (Percentage Sign Or ~)." #define I_HPASS_NO_CHANGE "Your House Password Remains The Same." #define I_HPASS_REMOVED "The House Password Has Been Removed." #define E_NOT_ENOUGH_PMONEY "You Don't Have That Much Money!" #define E_INVALID_AMOUNT "Invalid Amount." #define E_HSTORAGE_L_REACHED "You Can Not Deposit This Much Money Into Your House Storage. It Can Only Hold $25,000,000." #define E_NOT_ENOUGH_HSMONEY "You Don't Have That Much Money In Your House Storage!" #define E_NO_WEAPONS "You Do Not Have Any Weapons To Store." #define E_NO_HS_WEAPONS "You Do Not Have Any Weapons In Your House Storage." #define E_INVALID_HPASS_CHARS2 "The Entered House Password Contains Illegal Characters (Percentage Sign Or ~)." #define E_C_ACCESS_SE_HM "You Can't Access Someone Elses House Menu." #define E_NOT_IN_HOUSE "You Need To Be In A House To Use This Command." #define E_NOT_HOWNER "You Need To Be The Owner Of A House To Use This Command." #define E_HCAR_NOT_IN_VEH "You Need To Be In A Vehicle To Add A House Car." #define E_INVALID_HID "Invalid House ID. This House ID Doesn't Exist." #define E_NO_HCAR "This House ID Doesn't Have A House Car. Unable To Delete." #define E_H_A_F_SALE "This House Is Already For Sale. You Can Not Sell It." #define HMENU_ENTER_PASS "House Name: %s\nHouse Owner: %s\nHouse Value: $%d\nHouse ID: %d\n\nEnter The Password For The House Below If You Wish To Enter:" #define HMENU_BUY_HOUSE "%s, Do You Want To Buy This House For $%d?" #define HMENU_BUY_HINTERIOR "Do You Want To Buy The House Interior %s For $%d?" #define HMENU_SELL_HOUSE "%s, Are You Sure You Want To Sell Your House %s For $%d?" #define I_SELL_HOUSE1 "You Have Successfully Sold Your House For $%d.\nSelling Fee: $%d.\nThe $%d In Your House Storage Have Been Transfered To Your Pocket." #define I_SELL_HOUSE2 "You Have Successfully Sold Your House \"%s\" For $%d.\nSelling Fee: $%d." #define I_BUY_HOUSE "You've Successfully Bought This House For $%d!" #define I_HPASSWORD_CHANGED "You've Successfully Set The House Password To \"%s\"!" #define I_HNAME_CHANGED "You've Successfully Set The House Name To \"%s\"!" #define E_ALREADY_HAVE_HINTERIOR "You Already Have This House Interior." #define I_VISITING_HOUSEINT "You're Now Visiting The House Interior %s.\nThis House Interior Costs $%d.\nYour Visit Time Will End In %d Minute%s." #define E_CANT_AFFORD_HINT "You Can Not Afford To Buy The House Interior %s.\nHouse Interior Price: $%d.\nYou Have: $%d.\nYou Need: $%d." #define I_HINT_BOUGHT "You've Bought The House Interior %s For $%d." #define I_HINT_DEPOSIT1 "You Have $%d In Your House Storage.\n\nType In The Amount You Want To Deposit Below:" #define I_HINT_WITHDRAW1 "You Have $%d In Your House Storage.\n\nType In The Amount You Want To Withdraw Below:" #define I_HINT_DEPOSIT2 "You've Successfully Deposited $%d Into Your House Storage.\nCurrent Balance: $%d" #define I_HINT_WITHDRAW2 "You've Successfully Withdrawn $%d From Your House Storage.\nCurrent Balance: $%d" #define I_HINT_CHECKBALANCE "You Have $%d In Your House Storage." #define E_HINT_WAIT_BEFORE_VISITING "Please Wait Before Visiting A House Interior Again." #define I_HS_WEAPONS1 "You've Successfully Stored %d Weapon%s In Your House Storage." #define I_HS_WEAPONS2 "You've Successfully Recieved %d Weapon%s From Your House Storage." #define I_WRONG_HPASS1 "You've Failed To Enter %s's House Using The Password \"%s\"." #define I_WRONG_HPASS2 "House Info: %s (%d) Have Attempted To Enter Your House By Using The Password \"%s\"!" #define I_CORRECT_HPASS1 "You've Successfully Entered %s's House Using The Password \"%s\"!" #define I_CORRECT_HPASS2 "House Info: %s (%d) Have Successfully Entered Your House Using The Password \"%s\"!" #define E_TOO_MANY_HOUSES "Sorry, But There Are Already %d Houses Created.\nDelete One Of The Current Ones Or Increase The Limit In The Script." #define E_INVALID_HVALUE "Invalid House Value. The House Value Must Be Between $1,500,000-$25,000,000." #define I_H_CREATED "House ID %d Created..." #define I_HCAR_EXIST_ALREADY "House ID %d Already Have A House Car. Overwriting Current One." #define I_HCAR_CREATED "House Car For House ID %d Created..." #define I_H_DESTROYED "House ID %d Destroyed..." #define I_HCAR_REMOVED "House Car For House ID %d Removed..." #define I_ALLH_DESTROYED "All Houses Removed. (%d In Total)" #define I_ALLHCAR_REMOVED "All House Cars Removed. (%d In Total)" #define I_HSPAWN_CHANGED "You Have Changed The Spawnposition And Angle For House ID %d." #define I_TELEPORT_MSG "You Have Teleported To House ID %d." #define I_H_SOLD "You've Sold House ID %d..." #define I_ALLH_SOLD "All Houses On The Server Has Been Sold. (%d In Total)" #define I_H_PRICE_CHANGED "The Value For House ID %d Has Been Changed To $%d." #define I_ALLH_PRICE_CHANGED "You've Changed The Value Of All Houses On The Server To $%d. (%d In Total)" #define I_HINT_VISIT_OVER "Your Visiting Time Is Over.\nDo You Want To Buy The House Interior %s For $%d?" #define E_INVALID_HCAR_MODEL "Invalid car model. Accepted car models are between 400-612." #define I_HCAR_CHANGED "Car model for house ID %d changed to %d." //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define E_CMD_USAGE_CREATEHOUSE "Usage: /createhouse (house value) (optional: house interior)" #define E_CMD_USAGE_ADDHCAR "Usage: /addhcar (house id)" #define E_CMD_USAGE_REMOVEHOUSE "Usage: /removehouse (houseid)" #define E_CMD_USAGE_REMOVEHCAR "Usage: /removehcar (house id)" #define E_CMD_USAGE_CHANGEHCAR "Usage: /changehcar (house id) (modelid: 400-612)" #define E_CMD_USAGE_CHANGESPAWN "Usage: /changespawn (houseid)" #define E_CMD_USAGE_GOTOHOUSE "Usage: /gotohouse (houseid)" #define E_CMD_USAGE_SELLHOUSE "Usage: /sellhouse (houseid)" #define E_CMD_USAGE_CHANGEPRICE "Usage: /changeprice (houseid) (price)" #define E_CMD_USAGE_CHANGEALLPRICE "Usage: /changeallprices (price)" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Debug messages //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #if defined GH_DEBUGGING #define DEBUG_OP_DISCONNECT "[House System Debug] (OnPlayerDisconnect) - %s (%d) Quit In Their House." #define DEBUG_OP_ED_CP1 "[House System Debug] (OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP) - %s (%d) Entered Their House [House ID: %d]." #define DEBUG_OP_ED_CP2 "[House System Debug] (OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP) - %s (%d) Exited House ID %d." #define DEBUG_OP_PUD_PICKUP1 "[House System Debug] (OnPlayerPickUpDynamicPickup) - %s (%d) Entered Their House [House ID: %d]." #define DEBUG_OP_PUD_PICKUP2 "[House System Debug] (OnPlayerPickUpDynamicPickup) - %s (%d) Exited House ID %d." #define DEBUG_ODR1 "[House System Debug] (OnDialogResponse) - %s (%d) Bought House ID %d For $%d." #define DEBUG_ODR2 "[House System Debug] (OnDialogResponse) - %s (%d) Has Changed The House Name For House ID %d To %s." #define DEBUG_ODR3 "[House System Debug] (OnDialogResponse) - %s (%d) Bought The House Interior %s For $%d. [House ID: %d]." #define DEBUG_ODR4 "[House System Debug] (OnDialogResponse) - %s (%d) Is Visiting House Interior %s [House ID: %d]." #define DEBUG_ODR5 "[House System Debug] (OnDialogResponse) - House Interior For House ID %d Set To %d." #define DEBUG_ODR6 "[House System Debug] (OnDialogResponse) - %s (%d) Checked The House Storage Balance For House ID %d. [Balance: $%d]" #define DEBUG_ODR7 "[House System Debug] (OnDialogResponse) - %s (%d) Deposited $%d Into The House Storage For House ID %d." #define DEBUG_ODR8 "[House System Debug] (OnDialogResponse) - %s (%d) Withdrew $%d From The House Storage For House ID %d." #define DEBUG_ODR9 "[House System Debug] (OnDialogResponse) - %s (%d) Stored %d Weapon%s In The House Storage For House ID %d." #define DEBUG_ODR10 "[House System Debug] (OnDialogResponse) - %s (%d) Stored %d Weapon%s In The House Storage For House ID %d." #define DEBUG_ODR11 "[House System Debug] (OnDialogResponse) - %s (%d) Recieved %d Weapon%s From The House Storage For House ID %d." #define DEBUG_ODR12 "[House System Debug] (OnDialogResponse) - %s (%d) Successfully Entered House ID %d Using The House Password." #define DEBUG_ODR13 "[House System Debug] (OnDialogResponse) - %s (%d) Sold Their House For $%d (House Storage: $%d). [House ID: %d]" #define DEBUG_ODR14 "[House System Debug] (OnDialogResponse) - %s (%d) Has Changed The House Password For House ID %d." #define DEBUG_OP_CMD1 "[House System Debug] (OnPlayerCommandText) - %s (%d) Created A House. [House ID: %d | House Value: $%d | Total Houses: %d]" #define DEBUG_OP_CMD2 "[House System Debug] (OnPlayerCommandText) - %s (%d) Created A House Car For House ID %d." #define DEBUG_OP_CMD3 "[House System Debug] (OnPlayerCommandText) - %s (%d) Deleted House ID %d." #define DEBUG_OP_CMD4 "[House System Debug] (OnPlayerCommandText) - %s (%d) Removed The House Car For House ID %d." #define DEBUG_OP_CMD5 "[House System Debug] (OnPlayerCommandText) - %s (%d) Deleted All Houses On The Server. [%d In Total]" #define DEBUG_OP_CMD6 "[House System Debug] (OnPlayerCommandText) - %s (%d) Deleted All House Cars On The Server. [%d In Total]" #define DEBUG_OP_CMD7 "[House System Debug] (OnPlayerCommandText) - %s (%d) Changed The Spawnposition And Angle For House ID %d." #define DEBUG_OP_CMD8 "[House System Debug] (OnPlayerCommandText) - %s (%d) Sold House ID %d." #define DEBUG_OP_CMD9 "[House System Debug] (OnPlayerCommandText) - %s (%d) Sold All Houses On The Server. [%d In Total]" #define DEBUG_OP_CMD10 "[House System Debug] (OnPlayerCommandText) - %s (%d) Changed The Value Of House ID %d To $%d." #define DEBUG_OP_CMD11 "[House System Debug] (OnPlayerCommandText) - %s (%d) Changed The Value Of All Houses On The Server To $%d. [%d In Total]" #define DEBUG_OP_CMD12 "[House System Debug] (OnPlayerCommandText) - %s (%d) Changed The Housecar Model ID For House %d To %d." #define DEBUG_OP_SPAWN "[House System Debug] (OnPlayerSpawn) - %s (%d) Spawned In Their House." #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //============================================================================== // Awesomeness //============================================================================== public OnFilterScriptInit() { print("\n>> House System By Garhouse Loaded <<\n"); LoadHouses(); // Load houses Loop(i, MAX_PLAYERS) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && !IsPlayerNPC(i)) { SetPVarInt(i, "HousePrevTime", 0); } } return 1; } public OnFilterScriptExit() { new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH], tmp; Loop(i, MAX_PLAYERS) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && !IsPlayerNPC(i)) { tmp = GetPVarInt(i, "LastHouseCP"); format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, tmp); if(!strcmp(GetHouseOwner(tmp), pNick(i), CASE_SENSETIVE) && GetPVarInt(i, "IsInHouse") == 1 && dini_Exists(file)) { dini_IntSet(file, "QuitInHouse", 1); #if defined GH_HOUSECARS SaveHouseCar(tmp); #endif } } } UnloadHouses(); // Unload houses (also unloads the house cars) print("\n>> House System By GarHouse Unloaded <<\n"); return 1; } public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "FirstSpawn") == 0) { // Used to make the player spawn in their house if they quit in their house (only called for first spawn) #if defined SPAWN_IN_HOUSE SetTimerEx("HouseSpawning", HSPAWN_TIMER_RATE, false, "i", playerid); #endif // Increase timer rate if your gamemodes OnPlayerSpawn gets called after the timer has ended } return 1; } public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH]; format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, GetPVarInt(playerid, "LastHouseCP")); if(!strcmp(GetHouseOwner(GetPVarInt(playerid, "LastHouseCP")), pNick(playerid), CASE_SENSETIVE) && GetPVarInt(playerid, "IsInHouse") == 1 && dini_Exists(file)) { dini_IntSet(file, "QuitInHouse", 1); #if defined GH_HOUSECARS SaveHouseCar(GetPVarInt(playerid, "LastHouseCP")); UnloadHouseCar(GetPVarInt(playerid, "LastHouseCP")); #endif #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_OP_DISCONNECT, pNick(playerid), playerid); #endif } return 1; } public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { dcmd(removeallhouses, 15, cmdtext); dcmd(changeallprices, 15, cmdtext); dcmd(removeallhcars, 14, cmdtext); dcmd(sellallhouses, 13, cmdtext); dcmd(createhouse, 11, cmdtext); dcmd(removehouse, 11, cmdtext); dcmd(changeprice, 11, cmdtext); dcmd(changespawn, 11, cmdtext); dcmd(removehcar, 10, cmdtext); dcmd(changehcar, 10, cmdtext); dcmd(sellhouse, 9, cmdtext); dcmd(housemenu, 9, cmdtext); dcmd(gotohouse, 9, cmdtext); dcmd(addhcar, 7, cmdtext); dcmd(jamacianjamcmds, 6, cmdtext); return 0; } #if defined GH_USE_CPS public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid) { if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT) { new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH], string[256]; // Don't complain about huge size, just change it if you need. Loop(h, MAX_HOUSES) { format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(checkpointid == HouseCPOut[h]) { SetPVarInt(playerid, "LastHouseCP", h); if(!strcmp(GetHouseOwner(h), pNick(playerid), CASE_SENSETIVE)/* || IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)*/) // If you remove the comment, RCON admins may enter any house they want. { SetPVarInt(playerid, "IsInHouse", 1); SetPlayerHouseInterior(playerid, h); if(!strcmp(GetHouseOwner(h), pNick(playerid), CASE_SENSETIVE)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_INFO, I_HMENU); } #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_OP_ED_CP1, pNick(playerid), playerid, h); #endif } if(strcmp(GetHouseOwner(h), pNick(playerid), CASE_SENSETIVE) && strcmp(GetHouseOwner(h), INVALID_HOWNER_NAME, CASE_SENSETIVE)) { if(!strcmp(dini_Get(file, "HousePassword"), "INVALID_HOUSE_PASSWORD", CASE_SENSETIVE)) { ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, LABELTEXT2, GetHouseName(h), GetHouseOwner(h), GetHouseValue(h), h); } if(strcmp(dini_Get(file, "HousePassword"), "INVALID_HOUSE_PASSWORD", CASE_SENSETIVE)) { format(string,sizeof(string), HMENU_ENTER_PASS, GetHouseName(h), GetHouseOwner(h), GetHouseValue(h), h); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU+60, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "House Info", string, "Enter", "Close"); } } if(!strcmp(GetHouseOwner(h), INVALID_HOWNER_NAME, CASE_SENSETIVE) && dini_Int(file, "HouseValue") > 0 && GetPVarInt(playerid, "JustCreatedHouse") == 0) { format(string, sizeof(string), HMENU_BUY_HOUSE, pNick(playerid), GetHouseValue(h)); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU+4, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "House Buying", string, "Buy", "Cancel"); } break; } if(checkpointid == HouseCPInt[h]) { #if defined GH_HINTERIOR_UPGRADE if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePreview") == 1) { new tmpstring[50]; GetPVarString(playerid, "HousePrevName", tmpstring, 50); format(string, sizeof(string), HMENU_BUY_HINTERIOR, tmpstring, GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue")); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU+17, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "House Interior Upgrade", string, "Buy", "Cancel"); } #endif if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePreview") == 0) { SetPVarInt(playerid, "IsInHouse", 0); SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, dini_Float(file, "SpawnOutX"), dini_Float(file, "SpawnOutY"), dini_Float(file, "SpawnOutZ"), dini_Int(file, "SpawnInterior"), dini_Int(file, "SpawnWorld")); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, dini_Float(file, "SpawnOutAngle")); SetPlayerInterior(playerid, dini_Int(file, "SpawnInterior")); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, dini_Int(file, "SpawnWorld")); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_OP_ED_CP2, pNick(playerid), playerid, h); #endif } break; } } } return 1; } public OnPlayerLeaveDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid) { if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT && GetPVarInt(playerid, "JustCreatedHouse") == 1) { Loop(h, MAX_HOUSES) { if(checkpointid == HouseCPOut[h]) { SetPVarInt(playerid, "JustCreatedHouse", 0); break; } } } return 1; } #endif #if !defined GH_USE_CPS public OnPlayerPickUpDynamicPickup(playerid, pickupid) { if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT) { new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH], string[256]; // Don't complain about huge size, just change it if you need. Loop(h, MAX_HOUSES) { format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(pickupid == HousePickupOut[h]) { SetPVarInt(playerid, "LastHouseCP", h); if(!strcmp(GetHouseOwner(h), pNick(playerid), CASE_SENSETIVE)/* || IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)*/) // If you remove the comment, RCON admins may enter any house they want. { SetPVarInt(playerid, "IsInHouse", 1); SetPlayerHouseInterior(playerid, h); if(!strcmp(GetHouseOwner(h), pNick(playerid), CASE_SENSETIVE)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_INFO, I_HMENU); } #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_OP_PUD_PICKUP1, pNick(playerid), playerid, h); #endif } if(strcmp(GetHouseOwner(h), pNick(playerid), CASE_SENSETIVE) && strcmp(GetHouseOwner(h), INVALID_HOWNER_NAME, CASE_SENSETIVE)) { if(!strcmp(dini_Get(file, "HousePassword"), "INVALID_HOUSE_PASSWORD", CASE_SENSETIVE)) { ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, LABELTEXT2, GetHouseName(h), GetHouseOwner(h), GetHouseValue(h), h); } if(strcmp(dini_Get(file, "HousePassword"), "INVALID_HOUSE_PASSWORD", CASE_SENSETIVE)) { format(string,sizeof(string), HMENU_ENTER_PASS, GetHouseName(h), GetHouseOwner(h), GetHouseValue(h), h); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU+60, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "House Info", string, "Enter", "Close"); } } if(!strcmp(GetHouseOwner(h), INVALID_HOWNER_NAME, CASE_SENSETIVE) && dini_Int(file, "HouseValue") > 0) { format(string, sizeof(string), HMENU_BUY_HOUSE, pNick(playerid), GetHouseValue(h)); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU+4, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "House Buying", string, "Buy", "Cancel"); } break; } if(pickupid == HousePickupInt[h]) { #if defined GH_HINTERIOR_UPGRADE if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePreview") == 1) { new tmpstring[50]; GetPVarString(playerid, "HousePrevName", tmpstring, 50); format(string, sizeof(string), HMENU_BUY_HINTERIOR, tmpstring, GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue")); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU+17, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "House Interior Upgrade", string, "Buy", "Cancel"); } #endif if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePreview") == 0) { SetPVarInt(playerid, "IsInHouse", 0); SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, dini_Float(file, "SpawnOutX"), dini_Float(file, "SpawnOutY"), dini_Float(file, "SpawnOutZ"), dini_Int(file, "SpawnInterior"), dini_Int(file, "SpawnWorld")); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, dini_Float(file, "SpawnOutAngle")); SetPlayerInterior(playerid, dini_Int(file, "SpawnInterior")); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, dini_Int(file, "SpawnWorld")); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_OP_PUD_PICKUP2, pNick(playerid), playerid, h); #endif } break; } } } return 1; } #endif public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) { new string[400], file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH], file2[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH], h = GetPVarInt(playerid, "LastHouseCP"); // Don't complain about huge size, just change it if you need. format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(dialogid == HOUSEMENU && response) { switch(listitem) { case 0: { format(string, sizeof(string), HMENU_SELL_HOUSE, pNick(playerid), GetHouseName(h), ReturnProcent(GetHouseValue(h), HOUSE_SELLING_PROCENT)); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU+3, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "House Sale", string, "Sell", "Cancel"); } case 1: { #if defined GH_USE_WEAPONSTORAGE ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU+18, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "House Storage", "Money Storage\nWeapon Storage", "Select", "Cancel"); #endif #if !defined GH_USE_WEAPONSTORAGE ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU+10, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "House Storage", "Deposit Money\nWithdraw Money\nCheck Balance", "Select", "Cancel"); #endif } case 2: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU+14, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "House Name", "Type In The New House Name Below:\n\nPress 'Cancel' To Cancel", "Done", "Cancel"); case 3: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU+13, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "House Password", "Type In The New House Password Below:\nLeave The Box Empty If You Want To Keep Your Current House Password.\nPress 'Remove' To Remove The House Password.", "Done", "Remove"); case 4: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU+16, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Select House Interior Option", "Preview House Interior\nBuy House Interior", "Select", "Cancel"); } return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // House Sale //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if(dialogid == HOUSEMENU+3 && response) { if(GetOwnedHouses(playerid) == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_NO_HOUSES_OWNED); else { new tmp = dini_Int(file, "HouseStorage"); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, ReturnProcent(GetHouseValue(h), HOUSE_SELLING_PROCENT)); if(tmp >= 1) { ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, I_SELL_HOUSE1, ReturnProcent(GetHouseValue(h), HOUSE_SELLING_PROCENT), (GetHouseValue(h) - ReturnProcent(GetHouseValue(h), HOUSE_SELLING_PROCENT)), tmp); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, tmp); } if(tmp == 0) { ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, I_SELL_HOUSE2, GetHouseName(h), ReturnProcent(GetHouseValue(h), HOUSE_SELLING_PROCENT), (GetHouseValue(h) - ReturnProcent(GetHouseValue(h), HOUSE_SELLING_PROCENT))); } dini_IntSet(file, "HouseValue", ReturnProcent(GetHouseValue(h), HOUSE_SELLING_PROCENT)); dini_Set(file, "HouseOwner", INVALID_HOWNER_NAME); dini_Set(file, "HousePassword", "INVALID_HOUSE_PASSWORD"); dini_Set(file, "HouseName", DEFAULT_HOUSE_NAME); dini_IntSet(file, "HouseStorage", 0); Loop(h2, MAX_HOUSES) { if(IsHouseInRangeOfHouse(h, h2, RANGE_BETWEEN_HOUSES) && h2 != h) { format(file2, sizeof(file2), FILEPATH, h2); dini_IntSet(file2, "HouseValue", (dini_Int(file2, "HouseValue") - ReturnProcent(GetHouseValue(h2), HOUSE_SELLING_PROCENT2))); UpdateHouseText(h2); } } #if defined GH_USE_MAPICONS DestroyDynamicMapIcon(HouseMIcon[h]); HouseMIcon[h] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(dini_Float(file, "CPOutX"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutY"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutZ"), 31, -1, dini_Int(file, "SpawnWorld"), dini_Int(file, "SpawnInterior"), -1, MICON_VD); #endif UpdateHouseText(h); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_ODR13, pNick(playerid), playerid, GetHouseValue(h), tmp, h); #endif } return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // House Buying //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if(dialogid == HOUSEMENU+4) { if(response) { new hname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME+9]; if(GetOwnedHouses(playerid) >= MAX_HOUSES_OWNED) { ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, "You Already Own %d House%s. Sell One Of Your Others Before Buying A New.", MAX_HOUSES_OWNED, AddS(MAX_HOUSES_OWNED)); return 0; } if(strcmp(GetHouseOwner(GetPVarInt(playerid, "LastHouseCP")), pNick(playerid), CASE_SENSETIVE) && strcmp(GetHouseOwner(h), INVALID_HOWNER_NAME, CASE_SENSETIVE)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_H_ALREADY_OWNED); if(GetHouseValue(h) > GetPlayerMoney(playerid)) { ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, "You Can Not Afford To Buy This House.\nHouse Value: $%d.\nYou Have: $%d.\nYou Need: $%d.", GetHouseValue(h), GetPlayerMoney(playerid), (GetHouseValue(h) - GetPlayerMoney(playerid))); return 0; } else { format(hname, sizeof(hname), "%s's House", pNick(playerid)); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -GetHouseValue(h)); dini_Set(file, "HouseOwner", pNick(playerid)); dini_Set(file, "HousePassword", "INVALID_HOUSE_PASSWORD"); dini_Set(file, "HouseName", hname); dini_IntSet(file, "HouseStorage", 0); ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, I_BUY_HOUSE, GetHouseValue(h)); Loop(h2, MAX_HOUSES) { if(IsHouseInRangeOfHouse(h, h2, RANGE_BETWEEN_HOUSES) && h2 != h) { format(file2, sizeof(file2), FILEPATH, h2); dini_IntSet(file2, "HouseValue", (dini_Int(file2, "HouseValue") + ReturnProcent(GetHouseValue(h2), HOUSE_SELLING_PROCENT2))); UpdateHouseText(h2); } } #if defined GH_USE_MAPICONS DestroyDynamicMapIcon(HouseMIcon[h]); HouseMIcon[h] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(dini_Float(file, "CPOutX"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutY"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutZ"), 32, -1, dini_Int(file, "SpawnWorld"), dini_Int(file, "SpawnInterior"), -1, MICON_VD); #endif UpdateHouseText(h); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_ODR1, pNick(playerid), playerid, h, GetHouseValue(h)); #endif } } return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // House Password //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if(dialogid == HOUSEMENU+13) { if(response) { if(strlen(inputtext) > MAX_HOUSE_PASSWORD || (strlen(inputtext) < MIN_HOUSE_PASSWORD && strlen(inputtext) >= 1)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_INVALID_HPASS_LENGTH); if(!strcmp(inputtext, "INVALID_HOUSE_PASSWORD", CASE_SENSETIVE)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_INVALID_HPASS); if(strfind(inputtext, "%", CASE_SENSETIVE) != -1 || strfind(inputtext, "~", CASE_SENSETIVE) != -1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_INVALID_HPASS_CHARS); else { if(strlen(inputtext) >= 1) { dini_IntSet(file, "HousePassword", udb_hash(inputtext)); ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, I_HPASSWORD_CHANGED, inputtext); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_ODR14, pNick(playerid), playerid, h); #endif } else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_INFO, I_HPASS_NO_CHANGE); } } if(!response) { dini_Set(file, "HousePassword", "INVALID_HOUSE_PASSWORD"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_INFO, I_HPASS_REMOVED); } return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // House Name //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if(dialogid == HOUSEMENU+14) { if(response) { if(strfind(inputtext, "%", CASE_SENSETIVE) != -1 || strfind(inputtext, "~", CASE_SENSETIVE) != -1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_INVALID_HNAME_CHARS); if(strlen(inputtext) < MIN_HOUSE_NAME || strlen(inputtext) > MAX_HOUSE_NAME) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_INVALID_HNAME_LENGTH); else { dini_Set(file, "HouseName", inputtext); SendMSG(playerid, COLOUR_INFO, 128, I_HNAME_CHANGED, inputtext); UpdateHouseText(h); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_ODR2, pNick(playerid), playerid, h, inputtext); #endif } } return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // House Interior Upgrade //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if(dialogid == HOUSEMENU+15 && response) { SetPVarInt(playerid, "OldHouseInt", dini_Int(file, "HouseInterior")); switch(listitem) { case 0: { SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevInt", 1); SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue", H_INT_1_VALUE); SetPVarString(playerid, "HousePrevName", "Shitty Shack"); } case 1: { SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevInt", 2); SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue", H_INT_2_VALUE); SetPVarString(playerid, "HousePrevName", "Motel Room"); } case 2: { SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevInt", 3); SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue", H_INT_3_VALUE); SetPVarString(playerid, "HousePrevName", "Hotel Room 1"); } case 3: { SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevInt", 4); SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue", H_INT_4_VALUE); SetPVarString(playerid, "HousePrevName", "Hotel Room 2"); } case 4: { SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevInt", 5); SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue", H_INT_5_VALUE); SetPVarString(playerid, "HousePrevName", "Gang House"); } case 5: { SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevInt", 6); SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue", H_INT_6_VALUE); SetPVarString(playerid, "HousePrevName", "Normal House"); } case 6: { SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevInt", 0); SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue", H_INT_0_VALUE); SetPVarString(playerid, "HousePrevName", "Default House"); } case 7: { SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevInt", 7); SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue", H_INT_7_VALUE); SetPVarString(playerid, "HousePrevName", "Medium Mansion"); } case 8: { SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevInt", 8); SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue", H_INT_8_VALUE); SetPVarString(playerid, "HousePrevName", "Rich Mansion"); } case 9: { SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevInt", 9); SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue", H_INT_9_VALUE); SetPVarString(playerid, "HousePrevName", "Huge Mansion"); } case 10: { SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevInt", 10); SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue", H_INT_10_VALUE); SetPVarString(playerid, "HousePrevName", "Madd Dogg's Mansion"); } case 11: // case 11: is the house interior we added in this tutorial. { SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevInt", 1); SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue", H_INT_11_VALUE); SetPVarString(playerid, "HousePrevName", "Shit"); } } if(dini_Int(file, "HouseInterior") == GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevInt")) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_ALREADY_HAVE_HINTERIOR); else { GetPVarString(playerid, "HousePrevName", string, 50); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ switch(GetPVarInt(playerid, "HouseIntUpgradeMod")) { case 1: { if(GetSecondsBetweenAction(GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevTime")) < (TIME_BETWEEN_VISITS * 60000) && GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevTime") != 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_HINT_WAIT_BEFORE_VISITING); else { SetPVarInt(playerid, "IsHouseVisiting", 1); SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePreview", 1); SetPVarInt(playerid, "ChangeHouseInt", 1); SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevTime", GetTickCount()); SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevTimer", SetTimerEx("HouseVisiting", (MAX_VISIT_TIME * 60000), false, "i", playerid)); ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, I_VISITING_HOUSEINT, string, GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue"), MAX_VISIT_TIME, AddS(MAX_VISIT_TIME)); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_ODR4, pNick(playerid), playerid, string, h); #endif } } case 2: { if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue") > GetPlayerMoney(playerid)) { ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, E_CANT_AFFORD_HINT, string, GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue"), GetPlayerMoney(playerid), (GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue") - GetPlayerMoney(playerid))); } if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue") <= GetPlayerMoney(playerid)) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue")); SetPVarInt(playerid, "ChangeHouseInt", 1); dini_IntSet(file, "HouseInteriorValue", GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue")); ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, I_HINT_BOUGHT, string, GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue")); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_ODR3, pNick(playerid), playerid, string, GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue"), h); #endif } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "ChangeHouseInt") == 1) { dini_IntSet(file, "HouseInterior", GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevInt")); SetPVarInt(playerid, "ChangeHouseInt", 0); DestroyHouseEntrance(h, TYPE_INT); CreateCorrectHouseExitCP(h); Loop(i, MAX_PLAYERS) { if(GetPVarInt(i, "LastHouseCP") == h && GetPVarInt(i, "IsInHouse") == 1) { SetPlayerHouseInterior(i, h); } } #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_ODR5, h, GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevInt")); #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // House Interior Mode Selecting //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #if defined GH_HINTERIOR_UPGRADE if(dialogid == HOUSEMENU+16 && response) { switch(listitem) { case 0: SetPVarInt(playerid, "HouseIntUpgradeMod", 1); case 1: SetPVarInt(playerid, "HouseIntUpgradeMod", 2); } format(string, sizeof(string), "Shitty Shack Interior\t\t%s\nMotel Room Interior\t\t%s\nHotel Room Interior 1\t\t%s\nHotel Room Interior 2\t\t%s\nGang House Interior\t\t%s\nNormal House Interior\t\t%s\nDefault House Interior\t\t%s\nMedium Mansion Interior\t%s\nRich Mansion Interior\t\t%s\nHuge Mansion Interior\t\t%s\nMadd Dogg's Mansion\t\t%s\nShit\t\t%s", FM(H_INT_1_VALUE), FM(H_INT_2_VALUE), FM(H_INT_3_VALUE), FM(H_INT_4_VALUE), FM(H_INT_5_VALUE), FM(H_INT_6_VALUE), FM(H_INT_0_VALUE), FM(H_INT_7_VALUE), FM(H_INT_8_VALUE), FM(H_INT_9_VALUE), FM(H_INT_10_VALUE), FM(H_INT_11_VALUE)); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU+15, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "GarHouse v1.3 By [03]Garsino - House Interior", string, "Buy", "Cancel"); return 1; } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // House Interior Upgrade //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #if defined GH_HINTERIOR_UPGRADE if(dialogid == HOUSEMENU+17) { SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePreview", 0); KillTimer(GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevTimer")); SetPVarInt(playerid, "IsHouseVisiting", 0); switch(response) { case 0: { dini_IntSet(file, "HouseInterior", GetPVarInt(playerid, "OldHouseInt")); } case 1: { GetPVarString(playerid, "HousePrevName", string, 50); if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue")) { dini_IntSet(file, "HouseInterior", GetPVarInt(playerid, "OldHouseInt")); ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, E_CANT_AFFORD_HINT, string, GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue"), GetPlayerMoney(playerid), (GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue") - GetPlayerMoney(playerid))); } else { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue")); dini_Set(file, "HouseInteriorName", string); dini_IntSet(file, "HouseInterior", GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevInt")); dini_IntSet(file, "HouseInteriorValue", GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue")); ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, I_HINT_BOUGHT, string, GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue")); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_ODR3, pNick(playerid), playerid, string, GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue"), h); #endif } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DestroyHouseEntrance(h, TYPE_INT); CreateCorrectHouseExitCP(h); Loop(i, MAX_PLAYERS) { if(GetPVarInt(i, "LastHouseCP") == h && GetPVarInt(i, "IsInHouse") == 1) { SetPlayerHouseInterior(i, h); } } #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_ODR5, h, GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevInt")); #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ return 1; } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Money Storage //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if(dialogid == HOUSEMENU+10 && response) { new tmp = dini_Int(file, "HouseStorage"); if(listitem == 0) // Deposit { format(string, sizeof(string), I_HINT_DEPOSIT1, tmp); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU+11, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "House Storage", string, "Deposit", "Cancel"); } if(listitem == 1) // Withdraw { format(string, sizeof(string), I_HINT_WITHDRAW1, tmp); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU+12, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "House Storage", string, "Withdraw", "Cancel"); } if(listitem == 2) // Check Balance { ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, I_HINT_CHECKBALANCE, tmp); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_ODR6, pNick(playerid), playerid, h, tmp); #endif } return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if(dialogid == HOUSEMENU+11 && response) { new amount = floatround(strval(inputtext)); format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(amount > GetPlayerMoney(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_NOT_ENOUGH_PMONEY); if(amount < 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_INVALID_AMOUNT); if((dini_Int(file, "HouseStorage") + amount) >= 25000000) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_HSTORAGE_L_REACHED); else { dini_IntSet(file, "HouseStorage", (dini_Int(file, "HouseStorage") + amount)); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -amount); ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, I_HINT_DEPOSIT2, amount, dini_Int(file, "HouseStorage")); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_ODR7, pNick(playerid), playerid, amount, h); #endif } return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if(dialogid == HOUSEMENU+12 && response) { new amount = floatround(strval(inputtext)); format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(amount > dini_Int(file, "HouseStorage")) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_NOT_ENOUGH_HSMONEY); if(amount < 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_INVALID_AMOUNT); else { dini_IntSet(file, "HouseStorage", (dini_Int(file, "HouseStorage") - amount)); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, amount); ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, I_HINT_WITHDRAW2, amount, dini_Int(file, "HouseStorage")); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_ODR8, pNick(playerid), playerid, amount, h); #endif } return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // House Storage //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if(dialogid == HOUSEMENU+18 && response) { switch(listitem) { case 0: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU+10, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "House Storage", "Deposit Money\nWithdraw Money\nCheck Balance", "Select", "Cancel"); case 1: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU+19, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "House Storage", "Store Your Current Weapons\nRecieve House Storage Weapons", "Select", "Cancel"); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Weapon Storage //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if(dialogid == HOUSEMENU+19 && response) { new WeaponData[13][2], tmp[9], tmp2[13], tmpcount; switch(listitem) { case 0: // Store weapons { Loop(weap, 13) { format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "Weapon%d", weap); format(tmp2, sizeof(tmp2), "Weapon%dAmmo", weap); if(weap == 0) continue; #if !defined GH_SAVE_ADMINWEPS if(weap == 7 || weap == 8 || weap == 9 || weap == 12) continue; #endif GetPlayerWeaponData(playerid, weap, WeaponData[weap][0], WeaponData[weap][1]); if(WeaponData[weap][1] == 0 || (weap == 11 && WeaponData[weap][0] != 46)) continue; dini_IntSet(file, tmp, WeaponData[weap][0]); dini_IntSet(file, tmp2, WeaponData[weap][1]); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, WeaponData[weap][0], -WeaponData[weap][1]); tmpcount++; } if(tmpcount >= 1) { ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, I_HS_WEAPONS1, tmpcount, AddS(tmpcount)); } if(tmpcount == 0) { ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, E_NO_WEAPONS, tmpcount); } #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_ODR10, pNick(playerid), playerid, tmpcount, AddS(tmpcount), h); #endif } case 1: // Recieve Weapons { Loop(weap, 13) { format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "Weapon%d", weap); format(tmp2, sizeof(tmp2), "Weapon%dAmmo", weap); if(dini_Int(file, tmp2) == 0) continue; if(weap == 0) continue; #if !defined GH_SAVE_ADMINWEPS if(weap == 7 || weap == 8 || weap == 9 || weap == 11 || weap == 12) continue; #endif GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, dini_Int(file, tmp), dini_Int(file, tmp2)); dini_IntSet(file, tmp, 0); dini_IntSet(file, tmp2, 0); tmpcount++; } if(tmpcount >= 1) { ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, I_HS_WEAPONS2, tmpcount, AddS(tmpcount)); } if(tmpcount == 0) { ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, E_NO_HS_WEAPONS, tmpcount); // I had to add tmpcount or it gave an error ^_^ } #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_ODR11, pNick(playerid), playerid, tmpcount, AddS(tmpcount), h); #endif } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Enter House Using Password //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if(dialogid == HOUSEMENU+60) { if(response) { format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(strfind(inputtext, "%", CASE_SENSETIVE) != -1 || strfind(inputtext, "~", CASE_SENSETIVE) != -1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_INVALID_HPASS_CHARS2); if(strlen(inputtext) < MIN_HOUSE_PASSWORD || strlen(inputtext) > MAX_HOUSE_PASSWORD) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_INVALID_HPASS_LENGTH); if(udb_hash(inputtext) != dini_Int(file, "HousePassword")) { ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, I_WRONG_HPASS1, GetHouseOwner(GetPVarInt(playerid, "LastHouseCP")), inputtext); if(IsPlayerConnected(GetHouseOwnerEx(GetPVarInt(playerid, "LastHouseCP")))) { SendMSG(GetHouseOwnerEx(h), COLOUR_INFO, 128, I_WRONG_HPASS2, pNick(playerid), playerid, inputtext); } } else { ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, I_CORRECT_HPASS1, GetHouseOwner(GetPVarInt(playerid, "LastHouseCP")), inputtext); SetPVarInt(playerid, "IsInHouse", 1); SetPlayerHouseInterior(playerid, GetPVarInt(playerid, "LastHouseCP")); if(IsPlayerConnected(GetHouseOwnerEx(GetPVarInt(playerid, "LastHouseCP")))) { SendMSG(GetHouseOwnerEx(h), COLOUR_INFO, 128, I_CORRECT_HPASS2, pNick(playerid), playerid, inputtext); } #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_ODR12, pNick(playerid), playerid, h); #endif } } return 1; } return 0; // It is important to have return 0; here at the end of ALL your scripts wich uses dialogs. } //============================================================================== // GetPosInFrontOfPlayer(playerid, &Float:x, &Float:y, Float:distance); // Used to get the position infront of a player. // Credits to whoever made this! //============================================================================== stock Float:GetPosInFrontOfPlayer(playerid, &Float:x, &Float:y, Float:distance) { new Float:a; GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, a); if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) GetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), a); else GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, a); x += (distance * floatsin(-a, degrees)); y += (distance * floatcos(-a, degrees)); return a; } //############################################################################## // Commands //############################################################################## // By [03]Garsino! //============================================================================== // This command is used to display the house owner menu // when a player is in a house and is the house owner. //============================================================================== dcmd_housemenu(playerid, params[]) { #pragma unused params if(strcmp(GetHouseOwner(GetPVarInt(playerid, "LastHouseCP")), pNick(playerid), CASE_SENSETIVE) && GetPVarInt(playerid, "IsInHouse") == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_C_ACCESS_SE_HM); if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "IsInHouse") == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_NOT_IN_HOUSE); if(GetOwnedHouses(playerid) == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_NOT_HOWNER); if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "IsInHouse") == 1 && !strcmp(GetHouseOwner(GetPVarInt(playerid, "LastHouseCP")), pNick(playerid), CASE_SENSETIVE) && GetOwnedHouses(playerid) >= 1) { #if defined GH_HINTERIOR_UPGRADE ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "House Menu", "Sell House\nHouse Storage\nSet House Name\nSet House Password\nBuy/Preview House Interior", "Select", "Cancel"); #endif #if !defined GH_HINTERIOR_UPGRADE ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "House Menu", "Sell House\nHouse Storage\nSet House Name\nSet House Password", "Select", "Cancel"); #endif } return 1; } //============================================================================== // This command is used to create a house. // The only thing you have to enter is the house value, // the rest is done by the script. //============================================================================== dcmd_createhouse(playerid, params[]) { new cost, file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH], h = GetFreeHouseID(), labeltext[150], hinterior; if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 0; if(sscanf(params, "dD(" #DEFAULT_H_INTERIOR ")", cost, hinterior)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_CMD_USAGE_CREATEHOUSE); if(h < 0) { ShowInfoBox(playerid, INFORMATION_HEADER, E_TOO_MANY_HOUSES, MAX_HOUSES); } if(cost < MIN_HOUSE_VALUE || cost > MAX_HOUSE_VALUE) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_INVALID_HVALUE); else { format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); dini_Create(file); GetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z); GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Angle); dini_FloatSet(file, "CPOutX", X); dini_FloatSet(file, "CPOutY", Y); dini_FloatSet(file, "CPOutZ", Z); dini_Set(file, "HouseName", DEFAULT_HOUSE_NAME); dini_Set(file, "HouseOwner", INVALID_HOWNER_NAME); dini_Set(file, "HousePassword", "INVALID_HOUSE_PASSWORD"); dini_Set(file, "HouseCreator", pNick(playerid)); dini_IntSet(file, "HouseValue", cost); dini_IntSet(file, "HouseStorage", 0); format(labeltext, sizeof(labeltext), LABELTEXT1, DEFAULT_HOUSE_NAME, cost, h); #if defined GH_USE_CPS HouseCPOut[h] = CreateDynamicCP(X, Y, Z, 1.5, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid), GetPlayerInterior(playerid), -1, 25.0); HouseCPInt[h] = CreateDynamicCP(2196.84, -1204.36, 1049.02, 1.5, (h + 1000), 6, -1, 100.0); #endif #if !defined GH_USE_CPS HousePickupOut[h] = CreateDynamicPickup(PICKUP_MODEL_OUT, PICKUP_TYPE, X, Y, Z, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid), GetPlayerInterior(playerid), -1, 15.0); HousePickupInt[h] = CreateDynamicPickup(PICKUP_MODEL_INT, PICKUP_TYPE, 2196.84, -1204.36, 1049.02, (h + 1000), 6, -1, 15.0); #endif #if defined GH_USE_MAPICONS HouseMIcon[h] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(X, Y, Z, 31, -1, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid), GetPlayerInterior(playerid), -1, 50.0); #endif HouseLabel[h] = Create3DTextLabel(labeltext, COLOUR_GREEN, X, Y, Z+0.7, 25, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid), 1); SendMSG(playerid, COLOUR_YELLOW, 128, I_H_CREATED, h); GetPosInFrontOfPlayer(playerid, X, Y, -2.5); dini_FloatSet(file, "SpawnOutX", X); dini_FloatSet(file, "SpawnOutY", Y); dini_FloatSet(file, "SpawnOutZ", Z); dini_FloatSet(file, "SpawnOutAngle", floatround((180 + Angle))); dini_IntSet(file, "SpawnWorld", GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid)); dini_IntSet(file, "SpawnInterior", GetPlayerInterior(playerid)); dini_IntSet(file, "HouseInterior", hinterior); switch(hinterior) { case 1: { dini_IntSet(file, "HouseInteriorValue", H_INT_1_VALUE); dini_Set(file, "HouseInteriorName", "Shitty Shack"); } case 2: { dini_IntSet(file, "HouseInteriorValue", H_INT_2_VALUE); dini_Set(file, "HouseInteriorName", "Motel Room"); } case 3: { dini_IntSet(file, "HouseInteriorValue", H_INT_3_VALUE); dini_Set(file, "HouseInteriorName", "Hotel Room 1"); } case 4: { dini_IntSet(file, "HouseInteriorValue", H_INT_4_VALUE); dini_Set(file, "HouseInteriorName", "Hotel Room 2"); } case 5: { dini_IntSet(file, "HouseInteriorValue", H_INT_5_VALUE); dini_Set(file, "HouseInteriorName", "Gang House"); } case 6: { dini_IntSet(file, "HouseInteriorValue", H_INT_6_VALUE); dini_Set(file, "HouseInteriorName", "Normal House"); } case 0: { dini_IntSet(file, "HouseInteriorValue", H_INT_0_VALUE); dini_Set(file, "HouseInteriorName", "Default House"); } case 7: { dini_IntSet(file, "HouseInteriorValue", H_INT_7_VALUE); dini_Set(file, "HouseInteriorName", "Medium Mansion"); } case 8: { dini_IntSet(file, "HouseInteriorValue", H_INT_8_VALUE); dini_Set(file, "HouseInteriorName", "Rich Mansion"); } case 9: { dini_IntSet(file, "HouseInteriorValue", H_INT_9_VALUE); dini_Set(file, "HouseInteriorName", "Huge Mansion"); } case 10: { dini_IntSet(file, "HouseInteriorValue", H_INT_10_VALUE); dini_Set(file, "HouseInteriorName", "Mad Dogg's Mansion"); } case 11: // Update number here { dini_IntSet(file, "HouseInteriorValue", H_INT_11_VALUE); // Update value here dini_Set(file, "HouseInteriorName", "Shit"); // Update house name here } } dini_IntSet("/GarHouse/House.ini", "CurrentID", dini_Int("/GarHouse/House.ini", "CurrentID") + 1); dini_IntSet("/GarHouse/House.ini", "CurrentWorld", dini_Int("/GarHouse/House.ini", "CurrentID") + 1000); SetPVarInt(playerid, "JustCreatedHouse", 1); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_OP_CMD1, pNick(playerid), playerid, h, cost, GetTotalHouses()); #endif } return 1; } //============================================================================== // This command is used to add a house car for a house. // The only thing you have to enter is the house value, // the rest is done by the script. //============================================================================== dcmd_addhcar(playerid, params[]) { new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH], h; if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 0; if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_HCAR_NOT_IN_VEH); if(sscanf(params, "d", h)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_CMD_USAGE_ADDHCAR); format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(!dini_Exists(file)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_INVALID_HID); else { if(dini_Int(file, "HCar") == 1) { SendMSG(playerid, COLOUR_YELLOW, 128, I_HCAR_EXIST_ALREADY, h); } if(dini_Int(file, "HCar") == 0) { SendMSG(playerid, COLOUR_YELLOW, 128, I_HCAR_CREATED, h); } GetVehiclePos(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), X, Y, Z); GetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), Angle); dini_FloatSet(file, "HCarPosX", X); dini_FloatSet(file, "HCarPosY", Y); dini_FloatSet(file, "HCarPosZ", Z); dini_FloatSet(file, "HCarAngle", Angle); dini_IntSet(file, "HCar", 1); dini_IntSet(file, "HCarWorld", GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid)); dini_IntSet(file, "HCarInt", GetPlayerInterior(playerid)); dini_IntSet(file, "HCarModel", GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_OP_CMD2, pNick(playerid), playerid, h); #endif } return 1; } //============================================================================== // This command is used to delete a house. // Note: It does not give any money to the house owner when the house is deleted //============================================================================== dcmd_removehouse(playerid, params[]) { new h, file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH]; if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 0; if(sscanf(params, "d", h)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_CMD_USAGE_REMOVEHOUSE); format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(!dini_Exists(file)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_INVALID_HID); else { DestroyHouseEntrance(h, TYPE_OUT); DestroyHouseEntrance(h, TYPE_INT); #if defined GH_USE_MAPICONS DestroyDynamicMapIcon(HouseMIcon[h]); #endif Delete3DTextLabel(HouseLabel[h]); SendMSG(playerid, COLOUR_YELLOW, 128, I_H_DESTROYED, h); dini_Remove(file); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_OP_CMD3, pNick(playerid), playerid, h); #endif } return 1; } //============================================================================== // This command is used to remove the house car for a house. //============================================================================== dcmd_removehcar(playerid, params[]) { new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH], h; if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 0; if(sscanf(params, "d", h)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_CMD_USAGE_REMOVEHCAR); format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(!dini_Exists(file)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_INVALID_HID); if(dini_Int(file, "HCar") == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_NO_HCAR); else { UnloadHouseCar(h); dini_IntSet(file, "HCar", 0); SendMSG(playerid, COLOUR_YELLOW, 128, I_HCAR_REMOVED, h); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_OP_CMD4, pNick(playerid), playerid, h); #endif } return 1; } //============================================================================== // This command is used to change the modelid of a housecar. //============================================================================== dcmd_changehcar(playerid, params[]) { new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH], h, modelid; if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 0; if(sscanf(params, "dd", h, modelid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_CMD_USAGE_CHANGEHCAR); format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(!dini_Exists(file)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_INVALID_HID); if(modelid < 400 || modelid > 612) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_INVALID_HCAR_MODEL); else { dini_IntSet(file, "HCarModel", modelid); SendMSG(playerid, COLOUR_YELLOW, 128, I_HCAR_CHANGED, h, modelid); #if defined GH_HOUSECARS if(GetVehicleModel(HouseCar[h]) != -1) { if(IsVehicleOccupied(HouseCar[h])) { new Float:Velocity[3], Float:Pos[4], Seat[MAX_PLAYERS] = -1, interior, vw = GetVehicleVirtualWorld(HouseCar[h]); Loop(i, MAX_PLAYERS) { if(!IsPlayerConnected(i) || IsPlayerNPC(i)) continue; if(IsPlayerInVehicle(i, HouseCar[h])) { Seat[i] = GetPlayerVehicleSeat(i); if(Seat[i] == 0) { interior = GetPlayerInterior(i); // Have to do it this way because there is no GetVehicleInterior.. } } } GetVehiclePos(HouseCar[h], Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]); GetVehicleZAngle(HouseCar[h], Pos[3]); GetVehicleVelocity(HouseCar[h], Velocity[0], Velocity[1], Velocity[2]); DestroyVehicle(HouseCar[h]); HouseCar[h] = CreateVehicle(modelid, Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2], Pos[3], HCAR_COLOUR1, HCAR_COLOUR2, HCAR_RESPAWN); LinkVehicleToInterior(HouseCar[h], interior); SetVehicleVirtualWorld(HouseCar[h], vw); Loop(i, MAX_PLAYERS) { if(!IsPlayerConnected(i) || IsPlayerNPC(i) || Seat[i] == -1) continue; if(IsPlayerInVehicle(i, HouseCar[h])) { PutPlayerInVehicle(i, HouseCar[h], Seat[i]); } } SetVehicleVelocity(HouseCar[h], Velocity[0], Velocity[1], Velocity[2]); } if(!IsVehicleOccupied(HouseCar[h])) { UnloadHouseCar(h); LoadHouseCar(h); } } #endif #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_OP_CMD12, pNick(playerid), playerid, h, modelid); #endif } return 1; } //============================================================================== // This command is used to delete all houses. // It does not give any money to the house owners when the houses is deleted. //============================================================================== dcmd_removeallhouses(playerid, params[]) { #pragma unused params new hcount, file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH]; if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 0; else { Loop(h, MAX_HOUSES) { format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(dini_Exists(file)) { UnloadHouseCar(h); DestroyHouseEntrance(h, TYPE_OUT); DestroyHouseEntrance(h, TYPE_INT); #if defined GH_USE_MAPICONS DestroyDynamicMapIcon(HouseMIcon[h]); #endif Delete3DTextLabel(HouseLabel[h]); dini_Remove(file); hcount++; } } SendMSG(playerid, COLOUR_YELLOW, 128, I_ALLH_DESTROYED, hcount); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_OP_CMD5, pNick(playerid), playerid, hcount); #endif } return 1; } //============================================================================== // This command is used remove all house cars. // It does not delete the house cars itself due to SA:MP mixing up vehicle ID's. //============================================================================== dcmd_removeallhcars(playerid, params[]) { #pragma unused params new hcount, file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH]; if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 0; else { Loop(h, MAX_HOUSES) { UnloadHouseCar(h); format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(dini_Exists(file)) { dini_IntSet(file, "HCar", 0); } } SendMSG(playerid, COLOUR_YELLOW, 128, I_ALLHCAR_REMOVED, hcount); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_OP_CMD6, pNick(playerid), playerid, hcount); #endif } return 1; } //============================================================================== // This command is used to change the spawnposition details of a house //============================================================================== dcmd_changespawn(playerid, params[]) { new h, file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH]; if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 0; if(sscanf(params, "d", h)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_CMD_USAGE_CHANGESPAWN); format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(!dini_Exists(file)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_INVALID_HID); else { GetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z); GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Angle); dini_FloatSet(file, "SpawnOutX", X); dini_FloatSet(file, "SpawnOutY", Y); dini_FloatSet(file, "SpawnOutZ", Z); dini_FloatSet(file, "SpawnOutAngle", Angle); dini_IntSet(file, "SpawnWorld", GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid)); dini_IntSet(file, "SpawnInterior", GetPlayerInterior(playerid)); SendMSG(playerid, COLOUR_YELLOW, 128, I_HSPAWN_CHANGED, h); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_OP_CMD7, pNick(playerid), playerid, h); #endif } return 1; } //============================================================================== // This command is used to teleport to a house. //============================================================================== dcmd_gotohouse(playerid, params[]) { new h, file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH]; if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 0; if(sscanf(params, "d", h)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_CMD_USAGE_GOTOHOUSE); format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(!dini_Exists(file)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_INVALID_HID); else { SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, dini_Float(file, "SpawnOutX"), dini_Float(file, "SpawnOutY"), dini_Float(file, "SpawnOutZ"), dini_Int(file, "SpawnInterior"), dini_Int(file, "SpawnWorld")); SendMSG(playerid, COLOUR_YELLOW, 128, I_TELEPORT_MSG, h); } return 1; } //============================================================================== // This command is used to sell a house. // If the house owner is connected while selling the house, // the amount in the house storage and 75% of the house value will be given to the house owner. //============================================================================== dcmd_sellhouse(playerid, params[]) { new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH], h, file2[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH]; if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 0; if(sscanf(params, "d", h)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_CMD_USAGE_SELLHOUSE); format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(!dini_Exists(file)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_INVALID_HID); if(!strcmp(GetHouseOwner(h), INVALID_HOWNER_NAME, CASE_SENSETIVE)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_H_A_F_SALE); else { SendMSG(playerid, COLOUR_YELLOW, 128, I_H_SOLD, h); if(dini_Int(file, "HouseStorage") >= 1 && IsPlayerConnected(GetHouseOwnerEx(h))) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, (dini_Int(file, "HouseStorage") + ReturnProcent(GetHouseValue(h), HOUSE_SELLING_PROCENT))); } dini_IntSet(file, "HouseValue", ReturnProcent(GetHouseValue(h), HOUSE_SELLING_PROCENT)); dini_Set(file, "HouseOwner", INVALID_HOWNER_NAME); dini_Set(file, "HousePassword", "INVALID_HOUSE_PASSWORD"); dini_Set(file, "HouseName", DEFAULT_HOUSE_NAME); dini_IntSet(file, "HouseStorage", 0); Loop(h2, MAX_HOUSES) { if(IsHouseInRangeOfHouse(h, h2, RANGE_BETWEEN_HOUSES) && h2 != h) { format(file2, sizeof(file2), FILEPATH, h2); dini_IntSet(file2, "HouseValue", (dini_Int(file2, "HouseValue") - ReturnProcent(GetHouseValue(h2), HOUSE_SELLING_PROCENT2))); } } Loop(i, MAX_PLAYERS) { if(GetPVarInt(i, "LastHouseCP") == h && GetPVarInt(i, "IsInHouse") == 1) { SetPVarInt(i, "IsInHouse", 0); SetPlayerPosEx(i, dini_Float(file, "SpawnOutX"), dini_Float(file, "SpawnOutY"), dini_Float(file, "SpawnOutZ"), dini_Int(file, "SpawnInterior"), dini_Int(file, "SpawnWorld")); SetPlayerFacingAngle(i, dini_Float(file, "SpawnOutAngle")); SetPlayerInterior(i, dini_Int(file, "SpawnInterior")); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(i, dini_Int(file, "SpawnWorld")); } } #if defined GH_USE_MAPICONS DestroyDynamicMapIcon(HouseMIcon[h]); HouseMIcon[h] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(dini_Float(file, "CPOutX"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutY"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutZ"), 31, -1, dini_Int(file, "SpawnWorld"), dini_Int(file, "SpawnInterior"), -1, MICON_VD); #endif UpdateHouseText(h); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_OP_CMD8, pNick(playerid), playerid, h); #endif } return 1; } //============================================================================== // This command is used to sell a house. // If the house owner is connected while selling the house, // the amount in the house storage and 75% of the house value will be given to the house owner. //============================================================================== dcmd_sellallhouses(playerid, params[]) { #pragma unused params new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH], hcount; if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 0; else { Loop(h, MAX_HOUSES) { format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(dini_Exists(file) && strcmp(GetHouseOwner(h), INVALID_HOWNER_NAME, CASE_SENSETIVE)) { if(dini_Int(file, "HouseStorage") >= 1 && IsPlayerConnected(GetHouseOwnerEx(h))) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, (dini_Int(file, "HouseStorage") + ReturnProcent(GetHouseValue(h), HOUSE_SELLING_PROCENT))); } dini_IntSet(file, "HouseValue", ReturnProcent(GetHouseValue(h), HOUSE_SELLING_PROCENT)); dini_Set(file, "HouseOwner", INVALID_HOWNER_NAME); dini_Set(file, "HousePassword", "INVALID_HOUSE_PASSWORD"); dini_Set(file, "HouseName", DEFAULT_HOUSE_NAME); dini_IntSet(file, "HouseStorage", 0); #if defined GH_USE_MAPICONS DestroyDynamicMapIcon(HouseMIcon[h]); HouseMIcon[h] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(dini_Float(file, "CPOutX"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutY"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutZ"), 31, -1, dini_Int(file, "SpawnWorld"), dini_Int(file, "SpawnInterior"), -1, MICON_VD); #endif UpdateHouseText(h); hcount++; } } SendMSG(playerid, COLOUR_YELLOW, 128, I_ALLH_SOLD, hcount); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_OP_CMD9, pNick(playerid), playerid, hcount); #endif } return 1; } //============================================================================== // This command is used to change the value of a house. //============================================================================== dcmd_changeprice(playerid, params[]) { new h, file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH], price; if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 0; if(sscanf(params, "dd", h, price)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_CMD_USAGE_CHANGEPRICE); format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(!dini_Exists(file)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_INVALID_HID); if(price < 1500000 || price > 25000000) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_INVALID_HVALUE); else { dini_IntSet(file, "HouseValue", price); SendMSG(playerid, COLOUR_YELLOW, 128, I_H_PRICE_CHANGED, h, price); UpdateHouseText(h); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_OP_CMD10, pNick(playerid), playerid, h, price); #endif } return 1; } //============================================================================== // This command is used to change the value of all houses on the server. //============================================================================== dcmd_changeallprices(playerid, params[]) { new hcount, file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH], price; if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 0; if(sscanf(params, "d", price)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_CMD_USAGE_CHANGEALLPRICE); if(price < 1500000 || price > 25000000) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_SYSTEM, E_INVALID_HVALUE); else { Loop(h, MAX_HOUSES) { format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(dini_Exists(file)) { dini_IntSet(file, "HouseValue", price); UpdateHouseText(h); hcount++; } } SendMSG(playerid, COLOUR_YELLOW, 128, I_ALLH_PRICE_CHANGED, price, hcount); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_OP_CMD11, pNick(playerid), playerid, price, hcount); #endif } return 1; } dcmd_jamacianjamcmds(playerid, params[]) { #pragma unused params if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 0; else { return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU-1, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "House System By Garhouse", "/changeallprices\n/removeallhcars\n/sellallhouses\n/changeprice\n/changespawn\n/removehcar\n/sellhouse\n/housemenu\n/gotohouse\n/addhcar\n/changehcar\n", "Close", "Cancel"); } } //############################################################################## // Publics //############################################################################## forward HouseVisiting(playerid); public HouseVisiting(playerid) { new string[200], tmpstring[50]; GetPVarString(playerid, "HousePrevName", tmpstring, 50); format(string, sizeof(string), I_HINT_VISIT_OVER, tmpstring, GetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePrevValue")); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU+17, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "House Interior Upgrade", string, "Buy", "Cancel"); return 1; } forward HouseSpawning(playerid); public HouseSpawning(playerid) { new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH]; Loop(h, MAX_HOUSES) { if(!strcmp(GetHouseOwner(h), pNick(playerid), CASE_SENSETIVE)) { format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(dini_Int(file, "QuitInHouse") == 1) { SetPVarInt(playerid, "IsInHouse", 1); SetPVarInt(playerid, "LastHouseCP", h); SetPlayerHouseInterior(playerid, h); #if defined GH_HOUSECARS LoadHouseCar(h); #endif SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_INFO, I_HMENU); dini_IntSet(file, "QuitInHouse", 0); #if defined GH_DEBUGGING printf(DEBUG_OP_SPAWN, pNick(playerid), playerid); #endif } } } SetPVarInt(playerid, "FirstSpawn", 1); return 1; } //############################################################################## // Functions //############################################################################## // By [03]Garsino! //============================================================================== // LoadHouses(); // This function is used to load the houses. // It creates all the checkpoints, map icons and // 3D texts for all the houses and sets the correct 3D text information. //============================================================================== stock LoadHouses() { new hcount = 0; Loop(h, MAX_HOUSES) { new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH], labeltext[150]; format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(dini_Exists(file)) { #if defined GH_USE_CPS HouseCPOut[h] = CreateDynamicCP(dini_Float(file, "CPOutX"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutY"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutZ"), 1.5, dini_Int(file, "SpawnWorld"), dini_Int(file, "SpawnInterior"), -1, 15.0); #endif #if !defined GH_USE_CPS HousePickupOut[h] = CreateDynamicPickup(PICKUP_MODEL_OUT, PICKUP_TYPE, dini_Float(file, "CPOutX"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutY"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutZ"), dini_Int(file, "SpawnWorld"), dini_Int(file, "SpawnInterior"), -1, 15.0); #endif CreateCorrectHouseExitCP(h); if(!strcmp(GetHouseOwner(h), INVALID_HOWNER_NAME, CASE_SENSETIVE)) { format(labeltext, sizeof(labeltext), LABELTEXT1, GetHouseName(h), GetHouseValue(h), h); HouseLabel[h] = Create3DTextLabel(labeltext, COLOUR_GREEN, dini_Float(file, "CPOutX"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutY"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutZ")+0.7, 25, dini_Int(file, "SpawnWorld"), 1); #if defined GH_USE_MAPICONS HouseMIcon[h] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(dini_Float(file, "CPOutX"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutY"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutZ"), 31, -1, dini_Int(file, "SpawnWorld"), dini_Int(file, "SpawnInterior"), -1, MICON_VD); #endif } if(strcmp(GetHouseOwner(h), INVALID_HOWNER_NAME, CASE_SENSETIVE)) { format(labeltext, sizeof(labeltext), LABELTEXT2, GetHouseName(h), GetHouseOwner(h), GetHouseValue(h), h); HouseLabel[h] = Create3DTextLabel(labeltext, COLOUR_GREEN, dini_Float(file, "CPOutX"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutY"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutZ")+0.7, 25, dini_Int(file, "SpawnWorld"), 1); #if defined GH_USE_MAPICONS HouseMIcon[h] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(dini_Float(file, "CPOutX"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutY"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutZ"), 32, -1, dini_Int(file, "SpawnWorld"), dini_Int(file, "SpawnInterior"), -1, MICON_VD); #endif } hcount++; } } return printf("\nTotal Houses Loaded: %d\n", hcount); } //============================================================================== // LoadHouseCar(houseid); // This function is used to load the house car for a house. //============================================================================== stock LoadHouseCar(houseid) { #if defined GH_HOUSECARS new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH]; format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, houseid); if(dini_Exists(file) && dini_Int(file, "HCar") == 1) { HouseCar[houseid] = CreateVehicle(dini_Int(file, "HCarModel"), dini_Float(file, "HCarPosX"), dini_Float(file, "HCarPosY"), dini_Float(file, "HCarPosZ"), dini_Float(file, "HCarAngle"), HCAR_COLOUR1, HCAR_COLOUR2, HCAR_RESPAWN); SetVehicleVirtualWorld(HouseCar[houseid], dini_Int(file, "HCarWorld")); LinkVehicleToInterior(HouseCar[houseid], dini_Int(file, "HCarInt")); } #endif return 1; } //============================================================================== // UnloadHouseCar(houseid); // This function is used to the unload house car for a house. //============================================================================== stock UnloadHouseCar(houseid) { #if !defined GH_HOUSECARS #pragma unused houseid #endif #if defined GH_HOUSECARS new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH]; format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, houseid); if(dini_Exists(file) && dini_Int(file, "HCar") == 1) { if(GetVehicleModel(HouseCar[houseid]) >= 400 && GetVehicleModel(HouseCar[houseid]) <= 611 && HouseCar[houseid] >= 1) { DestroyVehicle(HouseCar[houseid]); HouseCar[houseid] = -1; } } #endif return 1; } //============================================================================== // SaveHouseCar(houseid); // This function is used to check if there is any vehicles // near the housecar spawn. //============================================================================== stock SaveHouseCar(houseid) { #if defined GH_HOUSECARS new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH], Float:tmpx, Float:tmpy, Float:tmpz; format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, houseid); if(dini_Exists(file) && dini_Int(file, "HCar") == 1) { tmpx = dini_Float(file, "HCarPosX"), tmpy = dini_Float(file, "HCarPosY"), tmpz = dini_Float(file, "HCarPosZ"); Loop(v, MAX_VEHICLES) { if(GetVehicleModel(v) < 400 || GetVehicleModel(v) > 611 || IsVehicleOccupied(v)) continue; GetVehiclePos(v, X, Y, Z); if(PointInRangeOfPoint(HCAR_RANGE, X, Y, Z, tmpx, tmpy, tmpz)) { dini_IntSet(file, "HCarModel", GetVehicleModel(v)); DestroyVehicle(v); break; } } } #endif return 1; } //============================================================================== // GetOwnedHouses(playerid); // This function is used to find out how many houses a player owns //============================================================================== stock GetOwnedHouses(playerid) { new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH], tmpcount; Loop(h, MAX_HOUSES) { format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(dini_Exists(file)) { if(!strcmp(dini_Get(file, "HouseOwner"), pNick(playerid), CASE_SENSETIVE)) { tmpcount++; } } } return tmpcount; } //============================================================================== // GetHouseOwnerEx(houseid); // This function is used to get the house owner of a house // and return the playerid, it will return INVALID_PLAYER_ID // if the house owner is not connected //============================================================================== stock GetHouseOwnerEx(houseid) { new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH]; format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, houseid); if(dini_Exists(file)) { Loop(i, MAX_PLAYERS) { if(!strcmp(pNick(i), GetHouseOwner(houseid), CASE_SENSETIVE)) { return i; } } } return INVALID_PLAYER_ID; } //============================================================================== // ReturnPlayerHouseID(playerid, houseslot); // This function is used to return the house id from a players house 'slot' // Example: ReturnPlayerHouseID(playerid, 0); // Would return for example house ID 500. //============================================================================== stock ReturnPlayerHouseID(playerid, houseslot) { new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH], tmpcount = 0; if(houseslot < 1 && houseslot > MAX_HOUSES_OWNED) return -1; Loop(h, MAX_HOUSES) { format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(dini_Exists(file)) { if(!strcmp(pNick(playerid), dini_Get(file, "HouseOwner"), CASE_SENSETIVE)) { tmpcount++; if(tmpcount == houseslot) { return h; } } } } return -1; } //============================================================================== // UnloadHouses(); // This function is used to unload the houses. // It deletes all the checkpoints, map icons and 3D texts for all the houses. //============================================================================== stock UnloadHouses() { Loop(h, MAX_HOUSES) { DestroyHouseEntrance(h, TYPE_OUT); DestroyHouseEntrance(h, TYPE_INT); #if defined GH_USE_MAPICONS DestroyDynamicMapIcon(HouseMIcon[h]); #endif Delete3DTextLabel(HouseLabel[h]); #if defined GH_HOUSECARS UnloadHouseCar(h); #endif } return 1; } //============================================================================== // GetHouseValue(houseid); // This function is used to get the value of a house //============================================================================== stock GetHouseValue(houseid) { new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH]; format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, houseid); if(dini_Exists(file)) { return dini_Int(file, "HouseValue"); } else return printf("Couldn't Get House Value For House ID %d. File Doesn't Exist...", houseid); } //============================================================================== // GetHouseName(houseid); // This function is used to get the name of a house //============================================================================== stock GetHouseName(houseid) { new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH], hname[MAX_HOUSE_NAME]; format(hname, MAX_HOUSE_NAME, "%s", DEFAULT_HOUSE_NAME); format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, houseid); if(dini_Exists(file)) { format(hname, MAX_HOUSE_NAME, "%s", dini_Get(file, "HouseName")); return hname; } return hname; } //============================================================================== // GetHouseOwner(houseid); // This function is used to get the owner of a house //============================================================================== stock GetHouseOwner(houseid) { new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH], howner[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; format(howner, MAX_PLAYER_NAME, INVALID_HOWNER_NAME); format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, houseid); if(dini_Exists(file)) { format(howner, MAX_PLAYER_NAME, "%s", dini_Get(file, "HouseOwner")); return howner; } return howner; } //============================================================================== // IsHouseInRangeOfHouse(house, house2, Float:range); // This function is used to check if a house is in range of another house // Default range is 250.0 //============================================================================== stock IsHouseInRangeOfHouse(house, house2, Float:range = 250.0) { new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH], file2[25]; format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, house); format(file2, sizeof(file2), FILEPATH, house2); if(dini_Exists(file) && dini_Exists(file2)) { if(PointInRangeOfPoint(range, dini_Float(file, "CPOutX"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutY"), dini_Float(file, "CPOutZ"), dini_Float(file2, "CPOutX"), dini_Float(file2, "CPOutY"), dini_Float(file2, "CPOutZ"))) { return 1; } } return 0; } //============================================================================== // CreateCorrectHouseExitCP(houseid); // This function is used to create the correct house exit checkpoint for the houseid // based on the house interior ID //============================================================================== stock CreateCorrectHouseExitCP(houseid) { new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH]; format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, houseid); #if defined GH_USE_CPS switch(dini_Int(file, "HouseInterior")) { case 0: HouseCPInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicCP(2196.84, -1204.36, 1049.02, 1.5, (houseid + 1000), 6, -1, 10.0); // Default House case 1: HouseCPInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicCP(2259.38, -1135.89, 1050.64, 1.50, (houseid + 1000), 10, -1, 10.0); // Shitty Shack House Interior case 2: HouseCPInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicCP(2282.99, -1140.28, 1050.89, 1.50, (houseid + 1000), 11, -1, 10.0); // Motel House Interior case 3: HouseCPInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicCP(2233.69, -1115.26, 1050.88, 1.50, (houseid + 1000), 5, -1, 10.0); // Hotel House Interior case 4: HouseCPInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicCP(2218.39, -1076.21, 1050.48, 1.50, (houseid + 1000), 1, -1, 10.0); // Hotel 2 House Interior case 5: HouseCPInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicCP(2496.00, -1692.08, 1014.74, 1.50, (houseid + 1000), 3, -1, 10.0); // CJ's House Interior case 6: HouseCPInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicCP(2365.25, -1135.58, 1050.88, 1.50, (houseid + 1000), 8, -1, 10.0); // Verdant Bluff's Safehouse House Interior case 7: HouseCPInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicCP(2317.77, -1026.76, 1050.21, 1.50, (houseid + 1000), 9, -1, 10.0); // Medium Mansion House Interior case 8: HouseCPInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicCP(2324.41, -1149.54, 1050.71, 1.50, (houseid + 1000), 12, -1, 10.0); // Rich Mansion House Interior case 9: HouseCPInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicCP(140.28, 1365.92, 1083.85, 1.50, (houseid + 1000), 5, -1, 10.0); // Huge Mansion House Interior case 10: HouseCPInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicCP(1260.6603, -785.4005, 1091.9063, 1.50, (houseid + 1000), 5, -1, 10.0); // Madd Dogg's Mansion House Interior case 11: HouseCPInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicCP(243.7469,304.9623,999.1484, 1.50, (houseid + 1000), 1, -1, 10.0); // Your New House Interior :) } #endif #if !defined GH_USE_CPS switch(dini_Int(file, "HouseInterior")) { case 0: HousePickupInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicPickup(PICKUP_MODEL_INT, PICKUP_TYPE, 2196.84, -1204.36, 1049.02, (houseid + 1000), 6, -1, 10.0); // Default House case 1: HousePickupInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicPickup(PICKUP_MODEL_INT, PICKUP_TYPE, 2259.38, -1135.89, 1050.64, (houseid + 1000), 10, -1, 10.0); // Shitty Shack House Interior case 2: HousePickupInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicPickup(PICKUP_MODEL_INT, PICKUP_TYPE, 2282.99, -1140.28, 1050.89, (houseid + 1000), 11, -1, 10.0); // Motel House Interior case 3: HousePickupInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicPickup(PICKUP_MODEL_INT, PICKUP_TYPE, 2233.69, -1115.26, 1050.88, (houseid + 1000), 5, -1, 10.0); // Hotel House Interior case 4: HousePickupInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicPickup(PICKUP_MODEL_INT, PICKUP_TYPE, 2218.39, -1076.21, 1050.48, (houseid + 1000), 1, -1, 10.0); // Hotel 2 House Interior case 5: HousePickupInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicPickup(PICKUP_MODEL_INT, PICKUP_TYPE, 2496.00, -1692.08, 1014.74, (houseid + 1000), 3, -1, 10.0); // CJ's House Interior case 6: HousePickupInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicPickup(PICKUP_MODEL_INT, PICKUP_TYPE, 2365.25, -1135.58, 1050.88, (houseid + 1000), 8, -1, 10.0); // Verdant Bluff's Safehouse House Interior case 7: HousePickupInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicPickup(PICKUP_MODEL_INT, PICKUP_TYPE, 2317.77, -1026.76, 1050.21, (houseid + 1000), 9, -1, 10.0); // Medium Mansion House Interior case 8: HousePickupInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicPickup(PICKUP_MODEL_INT, PICKUP_TYPE, 2324.41, -1149.54, 1050.71, (houseid + 1000), 12, -1, 10.0); // Rich Mansion House Interior case 9: HousePickupInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicPickup(PICKUP_MODEL_INT, PICKUP_TYPE, 140.28, 1365.92, 1083.85, (houseid + 1000), 5, -1, 10.0); // Huge Mansion House Interior case 10: HousePickupInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicPickup(PICKUP_MODEL_INT, PICKUP_TYPE, 1260.6603, -785.4005, 1091.9063, (houseid + 1000), 5, -1, 10.0); // Madd Dogg's Mansion House Interior case 11: HousePickupInt[houseid] = CreateDynamicPickup(PICKUP_MODEL_INT, PICKUP_TYPE, 243.7469,304.9623,999.1484, (houseid + 1000), 1, -1, 10.0); // Your New House Interior :) } #endif return 1; } //============================================================================== // SetPlayerHouseInterior(playerid, house); // This function is used to set the correct house interior for a player when he enters a house or buy a new house interior. //============================================================================== stock SetPlayerHouseInterior(playerid, house) { new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH]; format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, house); switch(dini_Int(file, "HouseInterior")) { case 0: { SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 2193.9001, -1202.4185, 1049.0234, 6, (house + 1000)); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 91.9386); // Default House Interior - Spawnpoint } case 1: { SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 2262.5627, -1136.1664, 1050.6328, 10, (house + 1000)); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 267.5372); // Shitty Shack House Interior - Spawnpoint } case 2: { SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 2283.0632, -1136.9760, 1050.8984, 11, (house + 1000)); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 358.7963); // Motel Room House Interior - Spawnpoint } case 3: { SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 2233.6057, -1111.7039, 1050.8828, 5, (house + 1000)); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 2.9124); // Hotel House Interior - Spawnpoint } case 4: { SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 2214.8909, -1076.0967, 1050.4844, 1, (house + 1000)); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 88.8910); // Hotel 2 House Interior - Spawnpoint } case 5: { SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 2495.8035, -1695.0997, 1014.7422, 3, (house + 1000)); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 181.9661); // CJ's House Interior - Spawnpoint } case 6: { SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 2365.2883, -1132.5228, 1050.8750, 8, (house + 1000)); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 358.0393); // Verdant Bluff's Safehouse House Interior - Spawnpoint } case 7: { SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 2320.0730, -1023.9533, 1050.2109, 9, (house + 1000)); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 358.4915); // Medium Mansion House Interior - Spawnpoint } case 8: { SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 2324.4490, -1145.2841, 1050.7101, 12, (house + 1000)); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 357.5873); // Richouse Mansion House Interior - Spawnpoint } case 9: { SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 140.1788, 1369.1936, 1083.8641, 5, (house + 1000)); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 359.2263); // Huge Mansion House Interior - Spawnpoint } case 10: { SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 1264.7765, -781.2485, 1091.9063, 5, (house + 1000)); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 270.6992); // Madd Dogg's Mansion House Interior - Spawnpoint } case 11: // Updating the case in this switch statement to suit the interior ID { SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 246.1276,304.6853,999.1484, 1, (house + 1000)); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 270.6992); // Our Custom House Interior :) - Spawnpoint } } } //============================================================================== // pNick(playerid); // Used to get the name of a player. //============================================================================== stock pNick(playerid) { new GHNick[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, GHNick, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); return GHNick; } //============================================================================== // PointInRangeOfPoint(Float:range, Float:x2, Float:y2, Float:z2, Float:X2, Float:Y2, Float:Z2); // Used to check if a point is in range of another point. // Credits to whoever made this! //============================================================================== stock PointInRangeOfPoint(Float:range, Float:x2, Float:y2, Float:z2, Float:X2, Float:Y2, Float:Z2) { X2 -= x2; Y2 -= y2; Z2 -= z2; return ((X2 * X2) + (Y2 * Y2) + (Z2 * Z2)) < (range * range); } //============================================================================== // ReturnProcent(Float:amount, Float:procent); // Used to return the procent of an value. //============================================================================== stock ReturnProcent(Float:amount, Float:procent) { return floatround((amount / 100 * procent)); } //============================================================================== // SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, Float:posX, Float:posY, Float:posZ, Interior = 0, World = 0); // Used to set the position of a player with optional interiorid and worldid parameters //============================================================================== stock SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, Float:posX, Float:posY, Float:posZ, Interior = 0, World = 0) { SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, World); SetPlayerInterior(playerid, Interior); SetPlayerPos(playerid, posX, posY, posZ); SetCameraBehindPlayer(playerid); return 1; } //============================================================================== // GetFreeHouseID(); // Used to get the next free house ID. Will return -1 if there is none free. //============================================================================== stock GetFreeHouseID() { new file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH]; Loop(h, MAX_HOUSES) { format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(!dini_Exists(file)) { return h; } } return -1; } //============================================================================== // GetTotalHouses(); // Used to get the amount of existing houses. //============================================================================== stock GetTotalHouses() { new tmpcount, file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH]; Loop(h, MAX_HOUSES) { format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, h); if(dini_Exists(file)) { tmpcount++; } } return tmpcount; } stock UpdateHouseText(houseid) { new labeltext[150], file[HOUSEFILE_LENGTH]; format(file, sizeof(file), FILEPATH, houseid); if(dini_Exists(file)) { if(!strcmp(dini_Get(file, "HouseOwner"), INVALID_HOWNER_NAME, CASE_SENSETIVE)) { format(labeltext, sizeof(labeltext), LABELTEXT1, GetHouseName(houseid), GetHouseValue(houseid), houseid); } else { format(labeltext, sizeof(labeltext), LABELTEXT2, GetHouseName(houseid), GetHouseOwner(houseid), GetHouseValue(houseid), houseid); } Update3DTextLabelText(HouseLabel[houseid], COLOUR_GREEN, labeltext); } } //============================================================================== // FM(amount, Optional(Delimiter)); // Used to format the money (from 100000 to 100,000). // Credits to mick88 //============================================================================== stock FM(amount, delimiter[2]=",") { new txt[20]; format(txt, 20, "$%d", amount); new l = strlen(txt); if (amount < 0) // - { if (l >= 5) strins(txt, delimiter, l-3); if (l >= 8) strins(txt, delimiter, l-6); if (l >= 11) strins(txt, delimiter, l-9); } else { if (l >= 4) strins(txt, delimiter, l-3); if (l >= 7) strins(txt, delimiter, l-6); if (l >= 10) strins(txt, delimiter, l-9); } return txt; } //============================================================================== // AddS(amount); // By [03]Garsino. //============================================================================== stock AddS(amount) { new returnstring[2]; format(returnstring, 2, ""); if(amount != 1 && amount != -1) { format(returnstring, 2, "s"); } return returnstring; } //============================================================================== // GetSecondsBetweenAction(action); // By [03]Garsino. //============================================================================== stock GetSecondsBetweenAction(action) { return floatround(floatdiv((GetTickCount() - action), 1000), floatround_tozero); } //============================================================================== // DestroyHouseEntrance(houseid, type); // Destroys the house entrance of a house (pickup or checkpoint). // Type can be: TYPE_OUT (0) and TYPE_INT (1) // By [03]Garsino. //============================================================================== stock DestroyHouseEntrance(houseid, type) { #if defined GH_USE_CPS if(type == TYPE_OUT) { DestroyDynamicCP(HouseCPOut[houseid]); } if(type == TYPE_INT) { DestroyDynamicCP(HouseCPInt[houseid]); } #endif #if !defined GH_USE_CPS if(type == TYPE_OUT) { DestroyDynamicPickup(HousePickupOut[houseid]); } if(type == TYPE_INT) { DestroyDynamicPickup(HousePickupInt[houseid]); } #endif return 1; } //============================================================================== // IsVehicleOccupied(vehicleid); // Checks if a vehicle is occupied or not. // By [03]Garsino. //============================================================================== stock IsVehicleOccupied(vehicleid) { Loop(i, MAX_PLAYERS) { if(IsPlayerInVehicle(i, vehicleid)) { return 1; } } return 0; } // © [03]Garsino - Keep The Credits!