Weapon dialog prob!

hey this is my first dialog script and it seems ok...
the problem is that all of the wepon are on the same line so i can only spawn the minigun
heres the script

Dialog/Command based Weapon Spawner by FusiouS
Version: 1.1, Release 2 (Admins only version)
SA-MP Version: 0.3 Compatible (including newest 0.3c)
Credits: FusiouS

- Dialog/Command based weapon spawning.
- Guns in Weapon ID number order (Starting from 4-)
- Currently working for all users, can be easily changed for RCON admins only.
- Contains most used weapons in SA-MP.

			How to install & use:
1) Download package and place .pwn file to your filterscripts folder
2) Compile .pwn file to .amx and write to your server.cfg behind filterscripts: weapons
3) Start your server and login as RCON admin
4) Type /weapons and weapon list appears. Choose your weapon and press "spawn"

TERMS OF USE: You are free to modify this script for your OWN use only. DO NOT remove credits or re-release this as your own work.              */

#include <a_samp>
#define weapons 4670
#pragma tabsize 0

public OnFilterScriptInit()
print(" Weapon Spawner by FusiouS loaded ");
print(" Version: 1.1, Release 2");
return 1;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if (!strcmp(cmdtext, "/weapons", true))

   ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, weapons, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Weapon Spawner", "MiniGun/nFlameThrowe/nM4", "Spawn", "Cancel");
   return 1;

return 0;

public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
if(dialogid == weapons)
          case 0:
	    case 1:
	    case 2:
return 1;
hope u can help quick thanks!

Messages In This Thread
Weapon dialog prob! - by a!DaN)_)-) - 06.02.2011, 23:52
Re: Weapon dialog prob! - by Tee - 06.02.2011, 23:57
Re: Weapon dialog prob! - by a!DaN)_)-) - 06.02.2011, 23:59
Re: Weapon dialog prob! - by Tee - 07.02.2011, 00:02
Re: Weapon dialog prob! - by a!DaN)_)-) - 07.02.2011, 00:09
Re: Weapon dialog prob! - by Tee - 07.02.2011, 00:14
Re: Weapon dialog prob! - by TheYoungCapone - 07.02.2011, 00:15
Re: Weapon dialog prob! - by a!DaN)_)-) - 07.02.2011, 00:16

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