help with setplayercolor();

When will people finally understand that colors are just numbers and not strings ...

Messages In This Thread
help with setplayercolor(); - by THE_KNOWN - 05.02.2011, 12:56
Re: help with setplayercolor(); - by Vince - 05.02.2011, 13:36
Re: help with setplayercolor(); - by THE_KNOWN - 05.02.2011, 13:37
Re: help with setplayercolor(); - by THE_KNOWN - 05.02.2011, 14:05
Re: help with setplayercolor(); - by Zack9764 - 05.02.2011, 14:21
Re: help with setplayercolor(); - by MadeMan - 05.02.2011, 14:23

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