Attatch an object to a vehicle

Hello everyone, i was wondering if someone could help me out with a simple thing.

Eventhough i am saying its simple, i still need some help for it

Lets say i have a van, i want to attatch a object to, let me be specific.

I want to place a van at a certain point, that will catch speeding vehicles with a camera, this is for a roleplaying server, but i cant really figure out how to do it.

The only thing i really want is just to script the van in, and attatch the camera to it, and nothing else.

I will just post up on the community that it has been implemented into the server.

Regards Tisca, thanks for your time.

Messages In This Thread
Attatch an object to a vehicle - by Tisca - 04.02.2011, 15:54

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