Help password

hello guys i make this topic to get some help so what i need when i use /register command in the files


its show me something like this

Hash_password = 271895016
Name = Max
IP = **,****,****,****
Score = 500
Cash = 10000
Banned = 0
Muted = 0
Freeze = 0
To End

now what i need how i can change the hash password for show me the password i register in for example

/register blalbal

and show me like this

Hash_password = blalbal
Name = Max
IP = **,****,****,****
Score = 500
Cash = 10000
Banned = 0
Muted = 0
Freeze = 0

Messages In This Thread
Help password - by [MKD]Max - 04.02.2011, 11:13
Re: Help password - by [MKD]Max - 04.02.2011, 11:26
Re: Help password - by DRIFT_HUNTER - 04.02.2011, 11:41
Re: Help password - by [MKD]Max - 04.02.2011, 11:57
Re: Help password - by HyperZ - 04.02.2011, 12:03
Re: Help password - by xRyder - 04.02.2011, 12:04
Re: Help password - by [MKD]Max - 04.02.2011, 12:04
Re: Help password - by HyperZ - 04.02.2011, 12:06

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