02.02.2011, 16:57
Maybe your aWeaponnames has just a wrong order, or you left out some names. Ak-47 has to have the index 30 for example.
pawn Код:
new aWeaponnames[33][] =
{"Brass knuckles"},
{"Golf club"},
{"Nite stick"},
{"Baseball bat"},
{"Pool cue"},
{"Purple dildo"},
{"Short vibrator"},
{"Long vibrato"},
{"White dildo"},
{"Tear gas"},
{"Molotov cocktail"},
{"9mm Pistol"},
{"Silenced pistol"},
{"Desert eagle"},
{"Sawn-off shotgun"},
{"Combat shotgun"},
{"Micro Uzi"},
{"Tec 9"},
{"Country rifle"},
{"Sniper rifle"},
{"Heat seeking rocket"}