how to add "Useful Functions" to my scripts?


error 021: symbol already defined: "strrest"
D:\GTA San Andreas\GTA San Andreas\gamemodes\44444.pwn(254) : error 021: symbol already defined: "OnVehicleSpawn"

you already have these in your script

error 025: function heading differs from prototype

The forward is different to the function

NOTE: its been a while since i had different to prototype, so i may be wrong

Messages In This Thread
how to add "Useful Functions" to my scripts? - by 1126 - 01.02.2011, 02:34
Respuesta: how to add "Useful Functions" to my scripts? - by ipsBruno - 01.02.2011, 02:56
Re: how to add "Useful Functions" to my scripts? - by R16RACA - 01.02.2011, 04:03

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