please help me!!! how to understand coordinate?

Hi all!!!

I want to change house`s location. How can I understand Coordination? (for example : 1273, 2317.130615, 692.398498, 11.460937, 182.779815, 114, 1 ; // LV house 1)

Thanks for helping me!!!!!

Messages In This Thread
please help me!!! how to understand coordinate? - by tujituji1 - 28.01.2011, 05:14
Re: please help me!!! how to understand coordinate? - by Larsey123IsMe - 28.01.2011, 05:31
Re: please help me!!! how to understand coordinate? - by sansko - 28.01.2011, 05:33
Re: please help me!!! how to understand coordinate? - by PowerPC603 - 28.01.2011, 05:36

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