[Include] fCommand - (Multiple Parameters and the Fastest) [V2.0]

Originally Posted by Romanius
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You can see my one http://romanius.pastebin.com/rCSUKhtA


PHP код:
PCMD:heal(playeridparams[], num_params)
num_params != 2) return SendClientMessage(playerid0xFF0000"USAGE: /heal playerid health");
/// strtok sscanf etc.

It uses packed strings, so it use minimal number of memory
LOL,is a good man.
Is Faster? Good Work

Messages In This Thread
fCommand - (Multiple Parameters and the Fastest) [V2.0] - by SlashPT - 21.01.2011, 20:46
Respuesta: fCommand - (Multiple Parameters and the Fastest) [V2.0] - by ipsBruno - 21.01.2011, 20:48
Re: fCommand - (Multiple Parameters and the Fastest) [V2.0] - by Zh3r0 - 21.01.2011, 20:49
Re: fCommand - (Multiple Parameters and the Fastest) [V2.0] - by HACKHERS - 21.01.2011, 21:13
Respuesta: fCommand - (Multiple Parameters and the Fastest) [V2.0] - by ipsBruno - 21.01.2011, 21:14
Re: fCommand - (Multiple Parameters and the Fastest) [V2.0] - by anonymousx - 21.01.2011, 22:06
Re: fCommand - (Multiple Parameters and the Fastest) [V2.0] - by [L3th4l] - 21.01.2011, 22:12
Re: fCommand - (Multiple Parameters and the Fastest) [V2.0] - by Mike Garber - 21.01.2011, 22:22
Re: fCommand - (Multiple Parameters and the Fastest) [V2.0] - by Ryan_Howllet - 21.01.2011, 22:26
Re: fCommand - (Multiple Parameters and the Fastest) [V2.0] - by DiDok - 21.01.2011, 23:01
Re: fCommand - (Multiple Parameters and the Fastest) [V2.0] - by [03]Garsino - 24.01.2011, 14:41
Re: fCommand - (Multiple Parameters and the Fastest) [V2.0] - by SeQualX - 24.01.2011, 15:18
Re: fCommand - (Multiple Parameters and the Fastest) [V2.0] - by [03]Garsino - 24.01.2011, 15:26
Respuesta: fCommand - (Multiple Parameters and the Fastest) [V2.0] - by ipsBruno - 24.01.2011, 15:33
Re: fCommand - (Multiple Parameters and the Fastest) [V2.0] - by DiDok - 24.01.2011, 15:43
Respuesta: fCommand - (Multiple Parameters and the Fastest) [V2.0] - by ipsBruno - 24.01.2011, 15:48
Re: fCommand - (Multiple Parameters and the Fastest) [V2.0] - by RyDeR` - 24.01.2011, 15:51
Respuesta: fCommand - (Multiple Parameters and the Fastest) [V2.0] - by ipsBruno - 24.01.2011, 15:55
Re: fCommand - (Multiple Parameters and the Fastest) [V2.0] - by Romanius - 24.01.2011, 16:02
Respuesta: Re: fCommand - (Multiple Parameters and the Fastest) [V2.0] - by ipsBruno - 24.01.2011, 16:16

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