22.01.2011, 16:48
your doing this
if you are do this
GetPlayerSkin(playerid); that make you get the skin for the player so like for a command like /getplayerskin use that to get the skin then SetPlayerSkin(playerid, skinid); so you set there skin this shouls force them out of it as a skin i selected so
do your commands stuff sor command like for dcomd or zcmd etc
cmd:getplayerskin stufff here
GetPlayerSkin(Playerid, Skinid)
that tells you there skin
now make a new command
CMD:SetPlayerSkin some stuff hre
SetPlayerSkin(playerid, skinid)
ive left params and that so you can fill them in as i dont know what you using
your doing this
if you are do this
GetPlayerSkin(playerid); that make you get the skin for the player so like for a command like /getplayerskin use that to get the skin then SetPlayerSkin(playerid, skinid); so you set there skin this shouls force them out of it as a skin i selected so
do your commands stuff sor command like for dcomd or zcmd etc
cmd:getplayerskin stufff here
GetPlayerSkin(Playerid, Skinid)
that tells you there skin
now make a new command
CMD:SetPlayerSkin some stuff hre
SetPlayerSkin(playerid, skinid)
ive left params and that so you can fill them in as i dont know what you using