Just something I Cant Pick out

heyo people Im getting these Two errors:
C:\Program Files\SAMP\SAMP\SAMP\gamemodes\RP10.pwn(329) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1)
C:\Program Files\SAMP\SAMP\SAMP\gamemodes\RP10.pwn(329) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1)
For this Script ---
		                              if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/fishing", true) == 0)
	 		   if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 6, 2359.5322,526.1093,1.7969))
						  new str[128];
						  new rand = random(sizeof(fish)); 
                          GetPlayerName(playerid, str, sizeof(str));
				          format(sizeof(str), sizeof(fish), "%s Has Caught a %s", string, string);
						 SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFAA, str);
		return 1;
And Please Comment if you need the array to work with

Messages In This Thread
Just something I Cant Pick out - by Matthew_Johnston - 22.01.2011, 10:04
Re: Just something I Cant Pick out - by HyperZ - 22.01.2011, 10:09
Re: Just something I Cant Pick out - by Lorenc_ - 22.01.2011, 10:11
Re: Just something I Cant Pick out - by HyperZ - 22.01.2011, 10:13
Re: Just something I Cant Pick out - by Lorenc_ - 22.01.2011, 10:28
Re: Just something I Cant Pick out - by Matthew_Johnston - 22.01.2011, 22:19

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