15.01.2011, 15:01
Edit: I've just tested your code, and I don't get soemthing
I've modefided it alittle bit, and that's what I got:
How can I check if any player turned on his siren? (Siren Public whitch changes the siren[playerid] to 0/1)?
I don't understand how should I use it.
Edit: I tried to use this function which checks if any player has his siren on, still doesn't work:
I've modefided it alittle bit, and that's what I got:
forward AudioUpdate();public AudioUpdate() { CheckPlayers=0; new string[256]; new MaxPlayers=GetMaxPlayers(); new Float:X[2],Float:Y[2],Float:Z[2]; //GetPlayerPos(playerid,X[0],Y[0],Z[0]; X[0] = -1935.770019; Y[0] = 228.789993; Z[0] = 34.156250; for(new ID=0;ID<MaxPlayers;ID++)//loop1: collect all connected players { if(IsPlayerConnected(ID) && !IsPlayerNPC(ID)) { CheckPlayerID[CheckPlayers]=ID; CheckPlayers++; } } ListenPlayers=0; ShutUpPlayers=0; for(new ID=0;ID<CheckPlayers;ID++)//loop2: estimate the distance { if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(CheckPlayerID[ID],100.0,X[0],Y[0],Z[0])==1) { ListenID[ListenPlayers]=CheckPlayerID[ID]; ListenPlayers++; } else { ShutUpID[ShutUpPlayers]=CheckPlayerID[ID]; ShutUpPlayers++; } } for(new ID=0;ID<ListenPlayers;ID++)//loop3a: ListenID[] array gets played { GetPlayerPos(ID,X[1],Y[1],Z[1]); new distance = 100 - floatround(floatsqroot(floatpower(floatabs(X[1] - X[0]), 2) + floatpower(floatabs(Y[1] - Y[0]), 2) + floatpower(floatabs(Z[1] - Z[0]), 2)), floatround_ceil); format(string, sizeof(string), "Distance: %d", distance); SendClientMessage(ID,0xFFFFFFAA,string); Audio_SetVolume(ID, soundID_siren[ID], distance); } for(new ID=0;ID<ShutUpPlayers;ID++)//loop3b: ShutUpID[] array gets stopped indeed ^^ { Audio_SetVolume(ID, soundID_siren[ID], 0); } return 1; }
I don't understand how should I use it.
Edit: I tried to use this function which checks if any player has his siren on, still doesn't work:
forward AudioUpdate();public AudioUpdate() { CheckPlayers=0; new string[256]; new MaxPlayers=GetMaxPlayers(); new Float:X[2],Float:Y[2],Float:Z[2]; for(new ID=0;ID<MaxPlayers;ID++)//loop1: collect all connected players { if(IsPlayerConnected(ID) && !IsPlayerNPC(ID)) { CheckPlayerID[CheckPlayers]=ID; CheckPlayers++; } } for(new tID=0;tID<CheckPlayers;tID++) { if(siren[CheckPlayerID[tID]] == 1) { //GetPlayerPos(playerid,X[0],Y[0],Z[0]; X[0] = -1935.770019; Y[0] = 228.789993; Z[0] = 34.156250; ListenPlayers=0; ShutUpPlayers=0; for(new ID=0;ID<CheckPlayers;ID++)//loop2: estimate the distance { if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(CheckPlayerID[ID],100.0,X[0],Y[0],Z[0])==1) { ListenID[ListenPlayers]=CheckPlayerID[ID]; ListenPlayers++; } else { ShutUpID[ShutUpPlayers]=CheckPlayerID[ID]; ShutUpPlayers++; } } for(new ID=0;ID<ListenPlayers;ID++)//loop3a: ListenID[] array gets played { GetPlayerPos(ID,X[1],Y[1],Z[1]); new distance = 100 - floatround(floatsqroot(floatpower(floatabs(X[1] - X[0]), 2) + floatpower(floatabs(Y[1] - Y[0]), 2) + floatpower(floatabs(Z[1] - Z[0]), 2)), floatround_ceil); format(string, sizeof(string), "Distance: %d", distance); SendClientMessage(ID,0xFFFFFFAA,string); Audio_SetVolume(ID, soundID_siren[ID], distance); } for(new ID=0;ID<ShutUpPlayers;ID++)//loop3b: ShutUpID[] array gets stopped indeed ^^ { Audio_SetVolume(ID, soundID_siren[ID], 0); } } } /////////// //////////////// return 1; }