14.01.2011, 14:50
No, but its to long :P Use strcat:
here i'll do it for you:
Also, it was a to long string. Thats why it crashed.
here i'll do it for you:
new Cmds[1024] = "{800000}Commands {855E42}(type in:), {855E42}/rules {A68064}to view the server rules\n{855E42}/info {A68064}to read a introduction how to play\n"; strcat(Cmds, "{855E42}/about {A68064}to view the server information\n{855E42}}/stats {A68064}to view your game statistic\n\"); strcat(Cmds, "855E42}/kill {A68064}to kill yourself\n{855E42}/classselect {A68064}to return to the class selection\n"); strcat(Cmds, "{855E42}/mapi {A68064}to view the current maps information \n{855E42}/anim {A68064}to view the available animation commands\n"); strcat(Cmds, "{855E42}/q {A68064}to quit the game"); //^Put this under OnPlayerCommandText if (strcmp("/cmd", cmdtext, true) == 0) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Commands",Cmds, "Ok, "Close"); return 1; }