12.01.2011, 18:31
Last edited by Zh3r0; 23/01/2011 at 10:25 AM.
Register / Login System
I made this system for you guys to start learning about Y_Ini, I've seen many people asking about, how to read, how to write, how to do this, with Y_Ini, well now you guys got a good chance to start a look at the code and learn.
This was not made, for an official release, or for a proper usage, it as released most for the fact that you guys can now start learning some stuff. I added some basic admin comands and VIP commands, so guess what, there is an Admin system + VIP system added. It saves absolutelly everything, even if you are muted, it will save into your account. This is avaialable only since version 1.2, in 1.0 there was just the login and register commands.
You need...
Y_INI - http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...ighlight=y_ini
ZCMD - http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...highlight=zeex
SSCANF 2.0 - https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=120356
- - VIP System, from level 0 to level, see the VIP Commands bellow.
- - Admin System, there are 4 levels, Member, Moderator, Administrator and Owner
- - Login and register system.
- - Saves many things, score, moneys, level, weather, time etc.
- - You can learn from this alot, see how Y_Ini actually works.
- - Some very smooth and pleasant colors.
- - Saves player data on exit.
- - Mute system, freeze and akill.
- - Players can use /changepass [OLD] [NEW] to change the password( Old password will save in file )
- - When player spawns( From request class ) his saved skins, weather etc, will be used.
- - VIP members can spawn a personal Infernus and a personal NRG-500.
- - Use the commands from /mycmds to set your weather, time and skin.
Admin Comands
Use in-game: /acmds and /arules For Admin commands and Admin rules!
- Level 0 (Member)
/myweather /mytime /myskin /login /register /stats
- Level 1 (Moderator)
/settime /setweather /sethealth /setarmour /heal /setmoney /setscore
- Level 2 (Administrator)
/akill /mute /unmute /freeze /unfreeze /kick /spawn
- Level 3 (Owner)
/gmx /ban
Vip Comands
Use in-game: /viphelp For VIP Commands( VIP Only command )
- VIP Level 1[/color]
- VIP Level 2[/color]
/vipgod /vipcargod
- VIP Level 3[/color]
/vipgod /vipcargod /vnrg /vinf
Sorry for the very low quality, but my Video card exploded on fire and i had to buy a crappy one...provisory
Older version screenshots!
WARNING: To make this work, you need a folder called "Accounts" without the "" of course, in your scriptfiles folder.
So it should be:
Player File
This is how the file looks from inside!
NAME = (SRC)Zh3r0 PASSWORD = Pass123 REG_DATE = 19:17:21 11/1/2011 LAST_ON = 12/1/2011 at 20:35:24 MONEYS = 10856 SCORE = 34 KILLS = 4 DEATHS = 2 VIP_LEVEL = 0 LEVEL = 3 MY_SKIN = 14 MY_TIME = 0 MY_WEATHER = 9 OLD_PASSWORD = Ohaiooo MUTED = 1 GOD = 1 CAR_GOD = 0
- ****** - Y_Ini, SSCANF
- Zeex - ZCMD
- Dracoblue - Set, strreplace, pName, Encode, INI_Exist
- Zh3r0 - Building up this system using the above functions...
- Rock4life - Testing the commands!
Only pastebin for now. Mirrors accepted.
In-game you will see this:
pawn Code:
#define Level0 "Member"
#define Level1 "Moderator"
#define Level2 "Administrator"
#define Level3 "Owner"
If you want to check if player is an admin, or check the moneys, or VIP level, simply use the GetPVarInt and GetPVarString with the following var names:
(Exactly like this)
- VIP Level - Get player's VIP level.
- Level - Get player's Admin Level.
- Moneys - Get player's money.
- Score - Get player's score.
- Time - Get player favorite time.
- Weather - Get player favorite weather.
- Skin - Get player favorite skin.
- On - Get player's last on server date and time.
- Kills - Get player's kills.
- Deaths - Getplayer's deaths.
- Muted - Check if player is muted or not.
- God - Check if player god is enabled or not.
- CGod - Check if vehicle god is enabled or not.
- Date - Get player's registration date.
pawn Code:
GetPVarInt( playerid, "Varname" )
//Another example
GetPVarInt( playerid, "Level") > 1 ) //Checks if player's level is higher than 1.
Enjoy this filterscript, you doa re allowed to change everything you want from inside of it, do whatever you want with it, but be a mature person and keep the credits. After all, it's a 1k line codeand it's my work, distributed freely also I'm allowing you to change everything inside.
Here is an older version of this: