11.01.2011, 19:35
Hey, thats almost the whole script you need lol
I guess it will help you a bit new Team1[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Team2[MAX_PLAYERS]; new score1,score2; public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) { if(Team1[killerid] != Team1[playerid]) // if it is not a teamkill { score1 ++; if(score1 == 100) { //write here that the team 1 has won etc. return 0; } } if(Team2[killerid] != Team2[playerid]) // if it is not a teamkill { score2 ++; if(score2 == 100) { //write here that the team 2 has won etc. return 0; } } return 1; } |