Looking for scripter. Please read. $$$$

Ok im attemting to make a roleplaying server. I want to use the godfather game mode. I know its been used alot but i like it and i already have 15 people comitted to becomeing regular players. I am making the map using MTA i seen in a previous thrend that i can convert the script for my custom MTA map to SAMP. If i do that i need a scripter. I can send the file with my custom map and the godfather game mode. I need to have jobs. Police,FBI,Coast Guard, Army, Tow truck driver. I also want a president system that i can be president and i can chosse a vice president. I will need some gates set to only open for sertain groups like cops only, ext. I want a register system so that players can register there first time and log in every time. I want a bank system.
I can pay you via paypal.Name your price. Or you can be part owner of game We will have a e-contract through the internet. We will admin the server no changes unless both agree i will pay for a server to host it. Reply to this or PM me or something and let me know.

Messages In This Thread
Looking for scripter. Please read. $$$$ - by james_b - 10.01.2011, 23:16
Re: Looking for scripter. Please read. $$$$ - by John_F - 10.01.2011, 23:33
Re: Looking for scripter. Please read. $$$$ - by fangoth1 - 11.01.2011, 00:46
Re: Looking for scripter. Please read. $$$$ - by james_b - 11.01.2011, 01:15

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