strfloat comparison issues

What he did will work, try rephrasing your 'if' statement a little bit

pawn Код:
if( (amount < 0.01) || (amount > 100.0) ) //This means that the number that was typed is outside of 0.01-100.0

Messages In This Thread
strfloat comparison issues - by MisterTickle - 08.01.2011, 03:24
Re: strfloat comparison issues - by admantis - 08.01.2011, 03:48
Re: strfloat comparison issues - by Joe Staff - 08.01.2011, 03:53
Re: strfloat comparison issues - by MisterTickle - 08.01.2011, 05:12
Re: strfloat comparison issues - by Joe Staff - 08.01.2011, 05:19

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