ProxDetector What is this HELP HELP

To explain this clearfully, ProxDetector is a sort of chatfunction that gets the distance between players. How further the distance between plays, how 'darker' the chatcolor. It's a very old function. It's used in the GodFather GM.

Messages In This Thread
ProxDetector What is this HELP HELP - by GrandTheftRoleplay - 06.01.2011, 20:17
Re: ProxDetector What is this HELP HELP - by alpha500delta - 06.01.2011, 20:30
Re: ProxDetector What is this HELP HELP - by Elmerz_com - 06.01.2011, 21:05
Re: ProxDetector What is this HELP HELP - by GrandTheftRoleplay - 07.01.2011, 16:55
Re: ProxDetector What is this HELP HELP - by Joe Staff - 07.01.2011, 17:05
Re: ProxDetector What is this HELP HELP - by Danny - 07.01.2011, 17:09

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