objects are weird ingame

You got wrong ID's.Just replace the ID's with correct ones(of new objects) and you're done.I think there's script somewhere around here which does that for you.

Messages In This Thread
objects are weird ingame - by luckie12 - 07.01.2011, 14:36
Re: objects are weird ingame - by [P4] - 07.01.2011, 15:05
Re: objects are weird ingame - by luckie12 - 07.01.2011, 15:14
Re: objects are weird ingame - by [P4] - 07.01.2011, 15:21
Re: objects are weird ingame - by [SU]Fnugski - 07.01.2011, 15:22
Re: objects are weird ingame - by luckie12 - 07.01.2011, 15:40

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