07.01.2011, 08:19
Suggestion + question I'd like to know:
Is it hard to detect all the player's keys?
with every thing I want to make, I have the problem that you can't even detect the arrow keys or all numpad keys, or wsad on the keyboard...
we could all create soo many cool new things with it!
A while ago I wanted to create a rocket base where you could control a gun like this: with the arrow keys you could move camera up, down, left and right, and then shoot a heat-seaking rocket with ctrl or space
but also that idea couldn't be made because it would be redicalous to move a camera up, down, left and right with "look behind" "sprint" "crouch" or "jump" ...
It's not only in this example, but there are soo many things you could make if we could detect more keys.
is it hard to add this to the next version of samp?
Is it hard to detect all the player's keys?
with every thing I want to make, I have the problem that you can't even detect the arrow keys or all numpad keys, or wsad on the keyboard...
we could all create soo many cool new things with it!
A while ago I wanted to create a rocket base where you could control a gun like this: with the arrow keys you could move camera up, down, left and right, and then shoot a heat-seaking rocket with ctrl or space
but also that idea couldn't be made because it would be redicalous to move a camera up, down, left and right with "look behind" "sprint" "crouch" or "jump" ...
It's not only in this example, but there are soo many things you could make if we could detect more keys.
is it hard to add this to the next version of samp?