A bit of help for giving/taking money in a filterscript

ok. also note it isnt made by me,its a very old script. http://pastebin.com/f76a2a194 Also when i used it i edited the money and thats it. It compiled fine and everything. I had it as i think $20 and $50,as default at every 30seconds is pure madness.

Messages In This Thread
A bit of help for giving/taking money in a filterscript - by sherlock - 05.01.2011, 20:25
Re: A bit of help for giving/taking money in a filterscript - by Moglizorz. - 05.01.2011, 20:50
Re: A bit of help for giving/taking money in a filterscript - by sherlock - 05.01.2011, 20:55
Re: A bit of help for giving/taking money in a filterscript - by sherlock - 07.01.2011, 15:48

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