[FilterScript] Enter Shamal as passenger. (v3.1 13th May 2017)

@ Azteca. I am not going to add that into the script as not everybody wants it but i will show you how to do it and you can edit it.

pawn Код:
public OnVehicleDeath(vehicleid, killerid)
if (GetVehicleModel(vehicleid) == 519)
new inside;
for (new a = 0; a < MAX_PLAYERS; a++)
  if (IsPlayerConnected(a) && InShamal[a] > 0)
    inside ++;
  if (inside)
    CreateExplosion(Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, type, Float:Radius);
return 1;
The music is simple, in my code under OnPlayerEnterVehicle just use

pawn Код:
new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, X,Y,Z);
PlayerPlaySound(playerid, soundid, X,Y,Z);
Make sure you put that AFTER the player's position has been set so it plays the sound for the player at the new position and around that area.


First thanks very much for the help but im still not a little too sure on the actual thing

Yeah it looks okay to me but now please edit your post and remove all that code as it comes with the filterscript not a snippet to help noobs.

ok so i removed it, and everything i just pasted when i try and complie it i get this

C:\Program Files\Downloads\samp-server-0.2.1r2-win32\filterscripts\shamal22.pwn(41) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Program Files\Downloads\samp-server-0.2.1r2-win32\filterscripts\shamal22.pwn(43) : error 017: undefined symbol "X"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.

Or was i meant to include the coordinates of the plane or something cause im really not sure lol but thanks so far anyway

The X,Y,Z, type, radius in CreateExplosion were for you to replace with the coordniates of where to explodem the type of explosion and the radius. The X,Y,Z will be the coordniates from the middle area of the interior, i don't know the types of explosions as i have never needed to use that and a radius of about 15.0 would be aout right. About the loose indentation that is just a warning and wont effect the compiling of the script. If you want to get rid of it then just indent what needs indenting.

Ok i just tried it then and everything works, the music explosion when the plane explodes, only thing is when you get out from the plane the music continues... lol so ill need to change that, and to change to a more powerful/weaker explosion is that the type of explosion or radius?

Originally Posted by Azteca
Ok i just tried it then and everything works, the music explosion when the plane explodes, only thing is when you get out from the plane the music continues... lol so ill need to change that, and to change to a more powerful/weaker explosion is that the type of explosion or radius?
About the music do exactly the same for when getting out AFTER its set the players position but instead change the sound id to a one that stops the music and just mess about with explosion types and radius.

But multiple people can still enter the shamal and with same interior ?

Originally Posted by lesturb
But multiple people can still enter the shamal and with same interior ?
Naturally .

cool good witch 2.0v!

Originally Posted by ******
This is pretty nice, although there's a chance the shamals can collide, something like:

x = (playerid / 10) * 20;
y = (playerid % 10) * 20;

may be better as then (assuming the planes aren't more than 20x20 units) they can never overlap.
Yeah good idea, pawno's random function aint too good. As this is the final rel for this script i shall only be updating when more of what you have pointed out there is pointed out by others so that it is worth updating . Btw under testing i found that the higher the value you use with the random function then the more random it will actual be and not just because of the extra choices as i tried this or something like it in some small testing with devision and multiplication etc and to use a small number rather than a big number then it will be less randomized as i devided the big number to give the units of the small number and it was always more random. Which is why when using coordinates from 1 side of the map to the other your random values will be greatly more random than using it to toss a coin with 2 random choices or rolling a dice with 6. << That bit of info might be useful for some people .

it's the funnest filter script ever ! i like it so mutch !

Slight bug for me Beckzy, but otherwise its great.
the bug, look in this bit of sea, in the water near Palamino, above it is one of the random spawns for a shamal.
Click Me!
Okay, looks fishy eh? Now look in the plane, what do you see missing from the top of the chairs?
Click Me!
Interesting, eh?

0.2 version really nice , thank you

Originally Posted by Azteca
wow this is ingenious, but i know your probably going to say no but im going to try anyway, i was wondering if you could make a v2 or something, where there would be an explosion in the interior of the aircraft when the vehicle 'dies' along the whole corridor to make sure they die.
Originally Posted by BeckzyBoi
@ Azteca. I am not going to add that into the script as not everybody wants it but i will show you how to do it and you can edit it.
very nice, you still got the talent for making the things people want


Nice Script
I was thinking to myself why didnt beckzy use Different Worlds for each Shamal, then i realised that it would look odd as you Disappear from the Radar when you enter a Shamal.

This is a great idea and i like it


Originally Posted by iCe[DragSta
Nice Script
I was thinking to myself why didnt beckzy use Different Worlds for each Shamal, then i realised that it would look odd as you Disappear from the Radar when you enter a Shamal.

This is a great idea and i like it

Lol no, it would have been far easier to use different worlds. But i would need different interiors even still as the explosion shows for all worlds so if i only used 1 interior and different worlds then when a Shamal is destroyed everyone in the interior will die even if it wasn't their Shamal that had died.

yes but if u have noticed this was posted July 24, 2007, 11:34:37 pm. This was the original shamal interior script. the one made by XxJoexX was only released yesterday (August 24, 2009, 08:50:29 pm) and is probabaly a copy which probabaly contains alot of this script.

Edit: Just compared BeckzyBoi's script with XxJoexX and they are exactly the same. The only difference is that joe's objects aren't placed in the same area.

Oh Well, I Bet you copied in your lifetime?

Anyway, last time i checked he didnt say he made the script? all he said was INTERIOR - He Made the interior if not the script.

And in fact i saw him making it - MTA Map Editor to be precise.

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