01.01.2011, 00:57
Evening... I have this code:
It seems to be storing the information into the variables and it prints what it loads in the MySQL log file, the only problem is that the vehicles aren't being "created" or "spawned". Am I missing something?
pawn Код:
stock LoadSQLVehicles()
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `Vehicles`");
new Query[128], Owner[23], Model, Float:vPos[4], Color[2];
if(mysql_num_rows() > 0)
while(mysql_fetch_row_format(Query, "|"))
if(sscanf(Query, "p<|>s[23]dffffdd", Owner, Model, vPos[0], vPos[1], vPos[2], vPos[3], Color[0], Color[1]))
new vehicle = CreateVehicle(Model, vPos[0], vPos[1], vPos[2], vPos[3], Color[0], Color[1], -1);
vInfo[vehicle][vOwner] = Owner;
vInfo[vehicle][vModel] = Model;
vInfo[vehicle][vPosX] = vPos[0];
vInfo[vehicle][vPosY] = vPos[1];
vInfo[vehicle][vPosZ] = vPos[2];
vInfo[vehicle][vAngle] = vPos[3];
vInfo[vehicle][vColor1] = Color[0];
vInfo[vehicle][vColor2] = Color[1];