Good Admin Filterscript

I need a good admin filterscript that doesn't have all of that login/register stuff. And I really for it to have levels. I have searched, and I've gone through many, and I didn't like any of them.

Anyone know what I'm looking for?

Most of them have a reg/log system. If you don't like that, remove them. Else create your own.

Originally Posted by [L3th4l]
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Most of them have a reg/log system. If you don't like that, remove them. Else create your own.
also they have reg/log in it for the simple reason that... on the commands when you check if player is an admin... you check if he logged in too... because if someone enters the game with admins name...and there is no check if he logged in... even if there a login system the player can make admin commands without even being logged in...


Look up some tutorials...

Originally Posted by Lorenc_
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Look up some tutorials...
I know how to script, I'm just too lazy to make a whole admin system. I'm working on a DM script and so far I got 2k lines with saving system all by me.

Try This.You can easily remove login system .
Also if you are so lazy why do you want to make a GM ?

Originally Posted by Sledge
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I know how to script, I'm just too lazy to make a whole admin system. I'm working on a DM script and so far I got 2k lines with saving system all by me.
an admin system for a DM isn't as complicated as one for RP. You will get a bunch of commands that you wont need. You should just make your own, because then its what you want exactly and no other crap. Unless you want all the other crap...

Oh i thought you were a pro scripter, willing to script for any RP for free? What happened to that story?

Rofl, either remove the register/login system from filterscripts, or just make your own
You got a tutorial on wiki.

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