[GameMode] [GM] Raven's Roleplay [2.5b]

Originally Posted by cstatus94
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how do u make urself and my other admins immune from the anti cheat because I am tired of getting banned by them
Why Then, Stop Hacking Solves The Problem Maybe?

Originally Posted by cstatus94
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how do u make urself and my other admins immune from the anti cheat because I am tired of getting banned by them
not sure if this will work but there is an owners protection, open the script ctrl+f changeme and there should somewhere down the script be a place to put a players name this should protect you, copy and paste it to add others, or you could just turn off the anti cheat using /anticheat

Originally Posted by SuperMarioRol
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Im translating the 81 000 lines into Spanish

Nice gm But still there are lots of non rp thing and bugs for example: You vehicle system bugged sometimes your come become an Cop car or something else but! you can fix it by the id that it make the car you did that it will Create you car Id number 0 so You can do for example: It will check the max id of the vehicles created and then it will create your own car and now about the non rp thing In the fuctions: when you make someone leader he gets a skin this is non rp because in the real life the cheaf is not always with his uniforms on and the second thing it's the Crime Factions its big non! because its like the Government gives them the cars and the house and everything else you could make /makecleader or something like that, that will give him the leader and he will have to buy his own cars and houses etc...

How can i fix the payday bug?

It will be fixed in next update just wait

Originally Posted by SuperMarioRol
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Im translating the 81 000 lines into Spanish
me to

Originally Posted by Pedro_Giacomelli
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How can i fix the payday bug?
how to fix??

bug in v3 rc5.1??

Yes a lot of bugs ... don't translate script wait for more updates

Not working with 0.3C?

when is new version coming out?

My guess is that hes gonna release the new version after 0.3c has been released

Originally Posted by The_Gangstas
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Why Then, Stop Hacking Solves The Problem Maybe?
I am not hacking dumbass I own the server I am getting autobanned faslely like When I jump out of a plane and got a parachute it banned me for hacking a parachute and it banned one of my admins for weapon hacking 10 times over i had to unban him 10 times

Originally Posted by Alexman
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The server is so nice but....it isn't a natural RolePlay server!It likes as a GodFather server...
I have to agree It a serious rp there isn't drivable unlocked cars owned my nobody all over town

Originally Posted by [TD]Torben
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Not working with 0.3C?
To get it to work with 0.3c you have to get the 0.3c package and recompile the script.

Originally Posted by tooomi
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when is new version coming out?
Do the same as above and you won't have to wait for the script .

I found a bug... When I buy a car, it will make the bought car's id 1, replacing the national guards vehicle that is id 1.

Anyone have a fix?

Hello !
This script is just amazingggggg
But I have a question
How do I create family ?

Well i'm realy green at this shit so can any make this gm working on 0.3c?

Originally Posted by Gerr139
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I found a bug... When I buy a car, it will make the bought car's id 1, replacing the national guards vehicle that is id 1.

Anyone have a fix?
You need to /GMX

Originally Posted by bijoyekuza
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Hello !
This script is just amazingggggg
But I have a question
How do I create family ?
/Allowcreation (if it does not allow you do do this, PM me)

Originally Posted by AniMe
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Well i'm realy green at this shit so can any make this gm working on 0.3c?
Check first post, at the bottom, 0.3c compatiable has been uploaded

Originally Posted by paramedic114
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You need to /GMX

/Allowcreation (if it does not allow you do do this, PM me)

Check first post, at the bottom, 0.3c compatiable has been uploaded
when I do /allowcreation it says
You are not leader of one of the organisations
or something like that

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