15.12.2010, 13:37
Hello, this FilterScript includes a new map with an Interrogatory Room and some scripts and commands to use it 
/icmds (To see all FS commands available)
/interrogatory (To goto the Room as Questioner)
/interroged (To goto the Room as Interroged)
/cam1 (To swith on the cam #1)
/cam2 (To swith on the cam #2)
/cam3 (To swith on the cam #3)
/camoff (To swith off the cam you are currently using)
•You can goto the room as Questioner and you will spawn into the room, you will be behind a wall of glass and you will be able to see the Interroged Player, but he won't see you.
•You can goto the room as Interroged and you will spawn sit on the chair and tied (frozen)
•You can use 3 different cams to control the area, by using /cam1 - /cam2 or /cam3 you will see the Interrogated Player and a Red [REC] Spy will appear on your screen, all player are able to use these commands, to swith on cams just stand in front of the 3 PC Monitors.
Scripted By: Alby_Fire
Mapped By: Mik_Teck
NOTICE: Don't remove credits in the FS please (though i know most of you will shred them
Some Screens:
Download Link:

/icmds (To see all FS commands available)
/interrogatory (To goto the Room as Questioner)
/interroged (To goto the Room as Interroged)
/cam1 (To swith on the cam #1)
/cam2 (To swith on the cam #2)
/cam3 (To swith on the cam #3)
/camoff (To swith off the cam you are currently using)
•You can goto the room as Questioner and you will spawn into the room, you will be behind a wall of glass and you will be able to see the Interroged Player, but he won't see you.
•You can goto the room as Interroged and you will spawn sit on the chair and tied (frozen)
•You can use 3 different cams to control the area, by using /cam1 - /cam2 or /cam3 you will see the Interrogated Player and a Red [REC] Spy will appear on your screen, all player are able to use these commands, to swith on cams just stand in front of the 3 PC Monitors.
Scripted By: Alby_Fire
Mapped By: Mik_Teck
NOTICE: Don't remove credits in the FS please (though i know most of you will shred them

Some Screens:
Download Link: