Will CreateObjects gets shadow?

Well, Only one thing at the moment I wish that 0.3c have more, its Shadow/Lights fall on new made objects, because its looks dumb that players/cars dont have shadow, lights on ground on new made objs.

Also I would realy want know how samp gets its limit 400 objs, I belive that samp, just use "free objs slots", same as in usual San Andreas, but what if I for example clear original ../maps/../LAn.IPL, file in usual San Andreas I could add more objs, so it would be realy help full if samp could "ignore" some original IPLs to increase objs count.

For example if the server is in Los Sanots, I wont need LV and SF maps.

And one more thing

Global Objects 254 (400 since 0.3b)
Per-Player Objects 254 (400 since 0.3b)

Is it 800 or 400 totaly?

400, this is an issue that more people (including) myself have noticed.

See it like this, every player can have a maximum of 400 objects in his screen. When CreatePlayerObject() is used, only ONE player gets an extra object. If CreateObject is used, ALL players get an extra object.

It's 400 total.

Okey, thanks, but I still will wait for reply about, how samp gets this limit and why objs dont have shadow

I just know a way how to use unlimited objs, just thing is than everyone will steal your mapps, like if you dont use some city, clear its IPLs and puts in there own objs, so you can create like 'real' SA map, just thing is , everyone could access to your maps, because they would need to download that IPL to play on your server

400, gets the limit in the client ... and objects don't have shadows becouse createdobjects isn't from gta san andreas single player ... i think that is

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