SA-MP 0.3c RC client/server (Now released)

Could really please you make something like - *.img archiver server-side, which uploads to client and fills up in the empty spaces of samp.IDE and then only starts the game. And it does it somewhat like this:
pawn Код:
public OnClientPrecache(playerid) // Network avg speed could be useful in case of returning too slow networks.
    return 1; // Let's the client to pass further.
    return 0; // Returns something like "Client precache has failed.%s" where %s is info about precache data.
The main problem in this would be at archiving. You may need a lot of parameters to make it work, and you should make it almost impossible to be corrupt 1. Hash check (such as MD5 signature) 2.Making it as simple and yet predefined as a pawno function. Client first recieves MD5 of img file, then gets the addictional file content(generated by the same archiver. So that it's not just a plain attack to client.) and then downloads, compares, and gets ingame. MD5 should be used for checking if it matches server version, to not download the same thing over and over. I think this is a stable idea, Yet only may need a powerful server, or it may soon need an hosting server possibility. Please answer to this idea.

SHA-2 For even more accuracy may be used.

Nice Idea!

Nice, will it be released before Christmas?

Originally Posted by leong124
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The colour embedding for 16-bit characters still doesn't work
There's still misaligning.
yea,that problem still exist,hope it can be fixed next update

Does somebody got a AttachObjectToVehicle-'creator'

new oid = -1;
COMMAND:oo(playerid, params[])
	new Float:pp[6], ob;
	if(sscanf(params, "dffffff", ob, pp[0], pp[1], pp[2], pp[3], pp[4], pp[5])) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR , "ERROR: /oo id x y z rx ry rz");

	if(oid != -1)
    oid = CreateObject(ob, pp[0], pp[1], pp[2], pp[3], pp[4], pp[5], 100);

	return AttachObjectToVehicle(oid, GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), pp[0], pp[1], pp[2], pp[3], pp[4], pp[5]);

RC4, 100slots?

hey, how about the ability to toggle vehicles invisible on the map?

Originally Posted by Meta
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hey, how about the ability to toggle vehicles invisible on the map?
You can't yet.

Any chance on fixing invisible objects when you are on a vehicle?

Originally Posted by Anthony_prince
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You can't yet.
i know o.O just a suggestion


I wont to attach a object to a vehicle i do that:

puplic OnGamemodeInit()
AddStaticVehicleEx(597,-1572.9839,730.6843,-5.4714,88.8422,1,1, -1);
AttachObjectToVehicle(12839, 1,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);

but thre is no object attachehed on the vehicle why??

you have to create the object before you can you use AttachObjectToVehicle

example :

new carid, objectid;
puplic OnGamemodeInit()
       carid =AddStaticVehicleEx(597,-1572.9839,730.6843,-5.4714,88.8422,1,1, -1);
       objectid = CreateObject(12839,0,0,0,0,0,0);       
       AttachObjectToVehicle(objectid,carid 1,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);

How to attach object to NPC ? It dosen't appear.

I have just got an idea. We need army helmet object of course!

please make 70 slots, I wanna to change my server to 0.3c and in my server sometimes plays more than 50 players.

Originally Posted by Ernis456
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please make 70 slots, I wanna to change my server to 0.3c and in my server sometimes plays more than 50 players.
This is release candiate version released for private testing and bug reporting, not for public use. Is it so hard to get it?

Originally Posted by Sergei
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This is release candiate version released for private testing and bug reporting, not for public use. Is it so hard to get it?
Well, if he wants it for public use, then why not let him do it? But yes, it is used for testing and such until the final version.

Originally Posted by Wennicke
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Well, if he wants it for public use, then why not let him do it? But yes, it is used for testing and such until the final version.
Final version? I believe you mean public version, because SA-MP will be continued to develope. There is no "final" version coming..

Nevermind, good work!

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