[Map] Dance Club [DJ]


its small but its for some nice role playing party with audio system or something

hope you like it if there is some problem with map/code/location please PM

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looks nice 8/10

wow :> cool !

Awesome work!! - 9/10

Could of been darker?
+ Add disco lights

Originally Posted by funky1234
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Awesome work!! - 9/10

Could of been darker?
+ Add disco lights
yeah about disko light i wanted but i scared that it will not move in sa-mp :S

thx for comments


Did this door failed there next to toilet?

Originally Posted by Plugsttzzx
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Did this door failed there next to toilet?
nope that door was blocked without door and i desided to make it more realistic and make it little bit open

Nice +1 10/10.

Becouse it's a "Dance Club":
"That's the way a-ha a-ha.....
Like it a-ha a-ah" x2

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