04.12.2010, 23:31
Последний раз редактировалось kacper55331; 06.02.2011 в 16:41.
D3ЯUG M0D3 0.1-B2,
brief info
Hi,brief info
I would like to present my first debug mode, this map has the latest features, which are used in 0.3c.
- 0.1-B1
- Attaching objects to the player. SetPlayerAttachedObject
- Attaching objects to the vehicle. AttachObjectToVehicle
- Create objects, each player has his property, which only he can maneuver.
- Changing the time, weapons, skinu, fighting style.
- Change of vehicle registration. Default: D3ЯUG
- Settings vehicles. SetVehicleParamsEx
- The icons on the map. SetPlayerMapIcon
- Create vehicles by model and is not the full name of the vehicle .
- Preview of the keys in the upper right corner of the cash. (By typing /tog keys)
0.1-B2 - The possibility of tuning cars.
- Creating and moving objects.
Each player has his own Wirtual World, another player can teleport to him only when he unlocks the appropriate option. (/tog tp)After placing the server, it can go on literally anyone (speaking English or Polish), was added as an option to change the language, which is set at the entrance to the server. Available languages are: Polish and English

The whole presents itself (in my opinion) very nice and aesthetically.

What you can do with this map
or a few Screen Shoots
or a few Screen Shoots


- 0.1-B1
- /help
a list of all available commands and a brief info about the author. - /tog [w/tp/keys]
lock / unlock some features. - /icon [markertype] [index(optional)] [style(optional)]
Creating icons on the map. - /hold [bone] [obiektid] [index(optional)] [X(optional)] [Y](optional) [Z(optional)] [rX(optional)] [rY(optional)] [rZ(optional)]
Creating object, which then is attached to the player. - /delhold [index]
Delete an item with /hold, specify the index, which is displays. - /holdveh [obiektid] [index(optional)] [X(optional)] [Y(optional)] [Z(optional)] [rX(optional)] [rY(optional)] [rZ(optional)]
Creating object, which is attached to the vehicle. - /delholdveh [index]
Delete item from /holdveh, state index, which is displays. - /veh [Engine/Lights/Alarm/Doors/Bonnet/Boot/Objective]
Settings of the vehicle. - /pojazd [Model/Name]
Creating a vehicle, please provide the model or part of the name. - /object [obiektid] [index(optional)] [rX(optional)] [rY(optional)] [rZ(optional)]
Creating an object, which can then maneuver, again using this command. - /w(iadomość) [ID/Nick] [Treść]
Sending private messages to the player. - /tp [ID/Nick]
Teleport to a player, the player moves with the vehicle. - /hour [hour(optional)]
if you do not specify hours in the gui show us the option of choosing. - /weapon [weaponid(optional)]
if you do not specify id show us a weapon with choosing the gui option. - /skin [skinid(optional)]
if you do not specify Skin, will be transferred to character selection. - /stylwalki
displays a GUI, in which we must choose an option that will change our style of fighting. - /setplate [Name]
changes in our vehicle registrations.
0.1-B2 - /tune
possible tuning of the vehicle. - /af
Auto Fix - Auto car repair after a collision or damage it. - /flip
Reversing a vehicle on the wheel without losing momentum. - /vel
Setting the vehicle velocity. - /editobiekt
ability to edit objects that can be moved on the XY and Z. - /delobiekt
Deletion of objects, which was created by /object.
- 1. Download the file .amx
- 2. Put the directory gamemodes
- 3. Download the plugin sscanf here(Win)
- 4. Create a directory plugins
- 5. Open serwer.cfg and rename gamemoda0 to debug and add:
plugins sscanf
- 6. Save the file and turn on the server.
- 7. We look forward to the game.
Feel free to download
and evaluation.
PS. Sorry for my English.
and evaluation.