Import new objects into MTA:editor?

I know there is a way to do it with MEd, but having used MEd for a long time before I used MTA, I know how much of a pain-in-the-ass program it is, and how unstable it can be. So my question: Is there any way to import the new objects in SAMP.ide, to MTA Editor?

No, and don't try to ask it on mta forums.
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Try to use this Editor for mapping with sa-mp 0.3c objects

- JayTea

Originally Posted by SAMPGammer
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No, and don't try to ask it on mta forums.
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why don't?

and also who said it isn't possible? you don't have the fucking clue your talking about... they could make a MTA editor edited to use Samp.ide... AS Kalcor done

You must be joking, MTA will never do anything for SA:MP, still you can ask if you like feeling like idiot...

im not saying they will make it for SAMP but yes they can "steal" the samp.ide and use it as they're own so also MTA servers could have the same objects... :3

ill take a look into MTA Map editor deeper and find some paths and give crack/patch with function to add new objects... if i do that you must come and lick by &$%#%$ xD

Originally Posted by Scriptor
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ill take a look into MTA Map editor deeper and find some paths and give crack/patch with function to add new objects... if i do that you must come and lick by &$%#%$ xD

Originally Posted by JayTea
Try to use this Editor for mapping with sa-mp 0.3c objects
Thanks, I will try it now

If you ask MTA:Forums for this, your topic would be trashed like Moddler's.

And ontopic, Yes its possible.

Originally Posted by Retardedwolf
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If you ask MTA:Forums for this, your topic would be trashed like Moddler's.

And ontopic, Yes its possible.

your words my words... :P

Originally Posted by leong124
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Still failed, but here's my samp_model.lua:
Remember to do these:
1.Use an IMG editor to extract ALLSAMPCOLs.col, then use CollEditor2 to split the COL file, and put them into editor_main folder.
2.Extract these TXDs that are not in samp.img, to editor_main folder:
wmycon - gta3.img
dwmolc2 - gta3.img
smyst - gta3.img
Carter_block - gta_int.img
landjump - gta3.img
cs_ebridge - gta3.img
cesar - gta3.img
glenpark7_lae - gta3.img
milbase - gta3.img
kmb_chute - gta3.img
sfe_copchop - gta3.img
gloopX - gta3.img
Hope there will be a MTA scripter to help us
Matite said he will post how to use mta for it on the gamerx forums

Hope he will do it soon :P

it dontґt go with the actually mta Version, and the mta race donґt go on my laptop....I think, now I should use a ingame map editor , nobody can help us ?

you cant import objects into the old MTA:RACE you need MTAM the new version a.k.a v 1.0.4

I just succeeded to get it work!
(Depreciated, please refer to this:

If you want to add your own custom objects,
you can follow this:

1.Edit samp_models.lua and add this at the bottom like the other objects:
txd??? = engineLoadTXD('NewTXD.txd')
engineImportTXD(txd???, ObjectID)
col??? = engineLoadCOL('NewCOL.col')
dff??? = engineLoadDFF('NewDFF.dff', 0)
engineReplaceCOL(col???, ObjectID)
engineReplaceModel(dff???, ObjectID)
engineReplaceCOL(col???, ObjectID)
2.Edit meta.xml in editor_main and add these, just like the other objects:
<file src="NewObject.txd" />
<file src="NewObject.dff" />
<file src="NewObject.col" />
3.Edit objects.xml in editor_gui\client\browser, and again, just like the other objects:
<object model="NewObjectID" name="NewObjectName" keywords="Something you like or keep it blank"/>
4.Put your new object's DFF,TXD and COL(if not combined with DFF file) into editor_main

5.Compress the editor_gui folder and the editor_main folder to replace the ZIP files with the same name


Hope this will be useful.

Original scripts are made by Gavibro and thanks for his great work.

Oops it goes wrong again, and I'm going to change to IDs.
Also, there's no UV animation in MTA map editor(except those particle objects)

Updated, if you downloaded it before, please re-download the scripts and re-compress them.
Also,I tried to add that AnimTube. I think it is possible to be added, but without animation.

Not very stable, it crashes sometime and some object IDs are missing so that those 0.3c objects cannot be continuously added.
Hope there'll be more help.

There're so many LOD objects that cannot be replaced and loaded.
I think I'll break the 0.3c objects list into 2 parts so that all objects can be shown.

Now I get all 0.3c objects work in MTA map editor(I think).
please redownload the scripts.
Here is the object convert list:
Replaced ID(Original ID in 0.3c) (Offset)
14383..14483(18631..18731) (-4248)
14770..14856(18833..18919) (-4063)
14858..14871(18920..18933) (-4062)
18000..18036(18934..18970) (-934)
18038..18101(18971..19034) (-933)
14872..14883(19035..19046) (-4163)
14885..14891(19047..19053) (-4162)
13590..13667(18732..18809) (-5142)
14500..14522(18810..18832) (-4310)
14892(19901) (-5009)
I will post a new tutorial soon, as here is a bit messy :/

EDIT 5: (so many edits 0.0)
Here are the converter to convert the object IDs from MTA map editor to SA:MP 0.3c:

How to use:
1.Download and install the sscanf2 plugin by y_less:

1.Use a map converter(e.g. DeLux Map Converter) to convert the .map file into PAWN CreateObject format(Choose "PAWN Code for SA:MP")

2.Copy the result, and open a TXT file named "Source_objects.txt"

3.Paste the result into the text file

4.Save the file in Your_SAMP_server\scriptfiles\

5.Start your server and type "loadfs newobj_converter"

6.The script will automatically convert the objects

7.Go to Your_SAMP_server\scriptfiles\

8.The file "Output_objects.txt" is the final converted result and can be used in PAWN scripts

15. Join MTA then click Map Editor.
16. Wait for the download ( 33MB )
17. Click Object and select SaMp ObJects category.

ily leong124, if you need anything you could ask mee : ]]

Add me in MSN

the only problem for my script is that some of the 0.3c objects won't be shown because their ID replaces the LOD objects.
If any of you want to get them all work, you'll need to find some IDs that will not replace the LOD objects.Replacing interior objects will be a good idea because there's no LOD object, but you can't use the original objects anymore, as they are pretty useful for mapping.

Leon, make a topic with pictures and more explenation ; ) this can help so many people...

Originally Posted by knackworst
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Leon, make a topic with pictures and more explenation ; ) this can help so many people...
Yeah, that would be really good, and it would be more understandable.

I would do that if I have time.
Any of you who understand my tutorial can still post it

I'm stuck at extracting the .img files, tbh.

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