Suggestions For Future Sa:MP Versions.

Originally Posted by TheHoodRat
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Can't you use GetPlayerVelocity?
No actually, I don't have any idea of how to use it and how to detect that stuff.

Learn it? Wiki is your friend.

IsVehicleUseHorn(vehicleid) - Returns 1 or 0. (Good for Scripting Real Vehicle Lights)

Vehicle Lights when it's sunny

Originally Posted by Cedimedi
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ToogleDynamicWeather - like with TooglePlayerClock, you just don't need to have a clock

ToogleVehicleGodMode - vehicle can't explode/damage, like a cheat

TooglePlayerGodMode - ^
this functions are easy scriptable.

Could we remove the gates that are at the entrance of the area51 airfield

Have when ever we type something like you know if it is too long it cuts out instead just have it make a new line making it possible to type a paragraph.

in future SA-MP versions I'd love to see map blips for when a player shoots for a TDM server like CSS, for example, if a player shoots a gun, then he will blip on the map until he stops shooting. Maybe like SetMapBlip

Originally Posted by Mike_Peterson
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Im using SendClientMessage atm..
You will need to change that, if you want to display proper key names.

Another suggestion from me.
If dialog is being showed while player is in car and driving autofreeze them/save their speed or something.


I thought of this last night, thought it would be cool.


IF this is possible it would be cool.. When you are in a server, the server could send you to another server. Say someone just changed thier server ip. They keep the server on the old ip online and just add RedirectToIP(newip);


Originally Posted by GaGlets®
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Another suggestion from me.
If dialog is being showed while player is in car and driving autofreeze them/save their speed or something.
that can be scripted.

I wouldn't like every key to be detected because it would be allowing server owners to track private conversations and more...

Originally Posted by Miguel
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I wouldn't like every key to be detected because it would be allowing server owners to track private conversations and more...
Err.. what? IG conversations can be logged any way, and out-of-game conversations won't be loggable even then.

I have some suggestion for future SA-MP version.

1) There could be a possibility to record replay of players (or vehicles) and apply it on some players (or vehicles). I believe, you can do that. There is something very nice that can record, and reproduce player movements on NPC manually.

2) Better vehicle sync. Vehicle should keep it's chassis and colors constant. (Actually vehicle are dynamically removed. Therefore they change their colors and extra parts.)

3) Controllable class selection. Class selection has many advantages (players can't see each other on class selection, head movement is synced with animations properly, you can easy change skin, spawn place or something else on class selection, ...). After installing dynamic vehicle streaming cars aren't synced on class selection. The script have to spawn player on that place and wait for vehicles to sync and then he can select a class. But there is no simple way to put player on class selection instantly.
If the server take control on player class selection, then It could be different on each gamemode.
Think about class selection synchronized, functions allowing to put player to class selection, a callback that's executed when player hit F4 key.
I know, you can do it more powerful.

4) A bit more advanced dialog boxes. Ability to show more than one of them (or combine), to set it's position, like "CreateMenu" does.

5) Functions:
* allowing server to close client. There are some, that can do that actually, but they have never been supposed to ;
* telling player to stop moving it's head or directing it at certain position e.g. [suggestion]"SetPlayerLookAt(playerid, Float: x, Float: y, Float: z)"[/suggestion]. Head moving also isn't synced with animations ;
* opposite function for "GetVehicleRotationQuat" that set vehicle's rotation. Same with "SetVehicleAngularVelocity" ;
* func. making object rotate at constant speed ;

... one more:
* new camera functions to stick camera to car/player at certain offset, shake it, like that one in sanny builder "Camera.Shake(Duration:Integer)", and enable motion blur/camera Field-of-View (FOV).

6) How about built-in object streamer?

Originally Posted by gesior7
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I have some suggestion for future SA-MP version.

1) There could be a possibility to record replay of players (or vehicles) and apply it on some players (or vehicles). I believe, you can do that. There is something very nice that can record, and reproduce player movements on NPC manually.
not easy at all, but scriptable, i know a server that has this system
use npc's for this. (with cmds)

Originally Posted by TheXIII
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Err.. what? IG conversations can be logged any way, and out-of-game conversations won't be loggable even then.
In game conversations won't be logged if you don't press enter; detecting every single key would allow you to know what is the player typing before they press enter and that's not good.

Originally Posted by Miguel
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In game conversations won't be logged if you don't press enter; detecting every single key would allow you to know what is the player typing before they press enter and that's not good.
who's gona put a sistem to read what a player might write?

Fix the chainsaw bug from where you /fpslimit 20 when your getting chainsawed you die really slower....

White Chat R Cool.

When switching weapons, save the clip amount to avoid quick-swapping.

Yeah, then the junk buster won't kick me for switching weapons

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