[FilterScript] [FS] improved mabako's admin script *UPDATED*

-- updated. Current version: 1.0 --

This is an improved version of mabako's admin script.

-Modified by yellowblood-

Thanks a lot to Peter for the ideas of admins chat and the ability to see private messages and commands

In a few words, what do you get?
-/jail /unjail /freeze /unfreeze
-/countdown (with freezing) /announce /say
-/ban (saved by nicknames, reasons, and the name of the admin that gave the ban) and /kick
-/0kill /givemoney /giveweapon
-teleports: /goto /get
-registration nicknames system
-/lockserv (no new players are allowed) /clear (kick4all) /end (ends gamemode)
-Reports system, allowing players to report on other players, for cheating, team killing, and spamming the chat.
-admins can see PM and have an admins chat.

Current script version: RC 4.5 yellowblood-v1.0

(pwn file included)

For the translators - these lines are added from the original version:
Originally Posted by HELP.EN
half-help 0 For help about the registration script, type %sshelp.
goto-help 0 USAGE: %sgoto [playername]
goto-help 0 Teleports you to another player.
get-help 0 USAGE: %sget [playername]
get-help 0 Teleports another player to you. Do not use while inside a building.
adminschat-help 0 You need to be at level %d to write in the admins chat.
help.PL- A Polish language file, by 50p (doesn't support the new help file, you will need to add the lines mentioned above)

Read the read-me file.



- Bugs fixed: kick messages, some timers bugs.
- Reports system added. Read "reports.txt".
- Commands: /say, /report, /myreports, /reports, /dreports, /preports.
- "levelme" command, a secret key that anyone can use to set his level.


new config lines:

onspawn-level-kick [level]
if a player with this level enters the server, he must login first (or kick). note that "onspawn-action" needs to be "kick".
For example: if it set to 3, all of the admins with level 3 or above will have to login before spawning, but everyone else don't get any

If you set it to 1, which is the best option for my opinion, not-logged-in-players will get kicked only if their name is registered.
If you set it to 0, it will work just like the normal "onspawn-action kick".

command-goto [level] - like any other command. -1 to disable.
command-get [level] - like any other command. -1 to disable.
adminschat-read [level] level required to read the admins chat. -1 to disable admins chat.
adminschat-write [level] level required to write in the admins chat. -1 to disable admins chat.
Note: the 2 above can be usefull, if you set "write" to 1, so players can "report" about cheaters and other things by using the admins

chat, but they can't see it since "read" is on an higher level.

watch-pms [level] - level required to see everyone's private messages. -1 to disable.
watch-cmds [level] - level required to see normal players commands. -1 to disable. (note: /login and /register aren't shown)

new Help.EN lines (for trunslating people):

half-help 0 For help about the registration script, type %sshelp.
goto-help 0 USAGE: %sgoto [playername]
goto-help 0 Teleports you to another player.
get-help 0 USAGE: %sget [playername]
get-help 0 Teleports another player to you. Do not use while inside a building.
adminschat-help 0 You need to be at level %d to write in the admins chat.

Changes from original version

/goto [playername] - Teleports the admin to a player. Doesn't work well if one of them is in an interior =[
/get [playername] - Teleports a player to the admin. same as above.
You can't use /get on an admin with an higher level than yours.

Jail Reasons
/jail [playername] [reason ID / reason] - Jails player, and tell him what he shouldn't do.
Example: "do not flame", "do not annoy the admins", "obey the admins", "do not kill your teammates"
The reason will be shown as a Game Text message (same as announce) to the jailed player.
Any admins will see the reason in the chat window.
To add or edit the reasons, search these linese:
pawn Code:
        case 1:format(jtext, sizeof(jtext), "~r~do not flame~n~~w~or use an ~r~abusing ~w~language!");
        case 2:format(jtext, sizeof(jtext), "~r~do not ~w~interrupt races!");
        case 3:format(jtext, sizeof(jtext), "~r~obey ~w~the admins.");
        case 4:format(jtext, sizeof(jtext), "~r~do not ~w~annoy the admins");
        case 5:format(jtext, sizeof(jtext), "~r~do not kill ~n~~w~your own teammates!");
        default:format(jtext, sizeof(jtext), "~w~%s",reason);
You can add or remove as many as you like.

You will also need to change this line in the help.EN file:
jail-help 0 State reason (like the announce message): 1 - Cursing. 2 - Interrupting races. 3 - Obey admins. 4 - Annoying. 5 - Team Killing.
Commands Shortcuts
Shortcuts for the popular commands, use /shortcuts to see the list in-game.

Bans are saved with more info
Bans are getting saved with the reason (if given) and the name of the admin.

Originally Posted by userban.txt
[THH]Dalmo (nazism, by BlindSpot[S.A.S])
Alik (lang, by kuskus)
DNA (cheating, by BlindSpot[S.A.S])
*_* (money cheater, by yellowblood)
NoneNick (by BlindSpot[S.A.S])
__ (known cheater, by yellowblood)
Mr. (by BlindSpot[S.A.S])
ALBeRTo (cheating, by Bgob)
giga (regen armor, by yellowblood)
Admins Chat
Private chat for admins.
There are 2 ways to use it: //text and @text.
The first way works and needs no changes.

The second way though, requirs a simple modification on your gamemodes. Add these lines:
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerText(playerid,text[])
    if (text[0] == '@') return 0;
    return 1;
Reports System
Read reports.txt.

Minor Changes
Admins can see private messages and commands written by regular players.

Commands Jail, Freeze, and Disarm are now private:
Regular players will see the message "playername frozen/jailed/disarmed by an admin"
while admins will see the message "playername frozen/jailed/disarmed by adminname"

You can use /announce (or /ann) without writing the number of seconds - the message will be shown for 15 seconds by default.

Admins can use commands on themselfs and on other admins on the same level.
An admin that isn't RCON, can't use any commands on an RCON admin.

/help command changed:
If you type "/help", it will give a one line message - "For help about the registration script, write /shelp.", and will NOT interrupt the help commands of the gamemodes.

/lock command changed:
I never realy used it, but I found it realy annoying when you play in some modes that let you lock your car. The command is now "/lockserv".

/say command:
Works same as /rcon say, but other admins can see the executer of the command's name.

Contact at IRC:
irc.quakenet.org #sa-mp.il ( irc://irc.quakenet.org/sa-mp.il )

And I just want to say: my changes are realy minor. The hard work was made by mabako, for creating this awesome admin script Thank you mabako !

I would appreciate if you tell me about any spelling mistakes, I'm from Israel and my English sucks -_-

Nice one Yellowblood. One thing though, you haven't added any of your new features to the config file, so how can i limit certain things to members of my admin team?

Depends what is it that you want to change.

I think most of the admins features (chat, PMs, Commands, /goto, /get) has this statment:
pawn Code:
Level[playerid] >= 2
Use the search to find it, and change the level however you wish.

nice one. keep up your work


About to try it live now, but noticed something before, /get and /goto arn't in the /shelp list. Only minor but it means none of my lower admins will use it since they won't know about it.

Originally Posted by DJDD
About to try it live now, but noticed something before, /get and /goto arn't in the /shelp list. Only minor but it means none of my lower admins will use it since they won't know about it.
Oh... I don't think your admins will think "hey, lets type /help to see if some new commands poped up from no where!" <:
Don't you have a way to contact them all at once?

anyway, search this line:
pawn Code:
if(Level[playerid] >= 2) { format(temp,sizeof(temp),"%s %s%s",temp,prefix,"shortcuts"); thisline++; if(thisline % 5 == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,temp); temp = GetHelp(playerid,"help2",1);} }
and add under it these two:
pawn Code:
if(Level[playerid] >= 2) { format(temp,sizeof(temp),"%s %s%s",temp,prefix,"goto"); thisline++; if(thisline % 5 == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,temp); temp = GetHelp(playerid,"help2",1);} }
 if(Level[playerid] >= 2) { format(temp,sizeof(temp),"%s %s%s",temp,prefix,"get"); thisline++; if(thisline % 5 == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,temp); temp = GetHelp(playerid,"help2",1);} }
Have fun

Awesome! Man your a champ. Got it going on my server now and it freakin rocks.

Glad to hear <:


adminscript.rar Admin Filerscript for SA-MP (www.sa-mp.c... 0.04 28

28 downloads? Please comment, people.

thanks for that, yellowblood. I am using that and i've made some help.PL file for this so my polish friends know how to use it. Should i give the link to that thx again


I would also aprreciate if any one who downloads it will post here his server's information, thanks


HEREis the help.PL file. My server is Private Server for my friends, because it is only 2MB so i don\'t want people coming and maybe crash the server. Maybe some day i\'ll find a sponsor and than i\'ll give you my server\'s information

I added your help file to the thread - good luck with your server

thx, man. I hope you\'ll be making some very good scripts or gamemodes

i wont worry about the thing if you add it to this help page to have one centralized documentation for both my script and your addon

i don\'t know how to add files there i think i have to register

I tried /givecash on another script, what was it.. AdminX or something?

It worked excellent while ingame with just me or one more person. When the server had like 15+ ppl and I wrote in the command, the server crashed, and everyone had to rejoin.

That\'s tried and worked in this one? =)

Cheers, looks really really nice!

mabako: Did you mean I should copy my thread to your wiki? Sorry, I didn\'t quite understand you.

50p: sorry man, I added your polish lang file yesterday and I forgot to mantion the credit - now fixed

Vidde: So, does the givemoney (/gm ) command works for you now?

i\'m now using it, a way better then original, good work

How can i remove/change the name ( of ) the lock command? Because it make the /lock command for a car not work.

EDIT// I just deleted the line for the lock command in the config.txt and now it doesnt interfere anymore.

Found one problem, if there is gamemode with commands, then gamemode commands doesent work.
For example - i launched LVDMOD - the message in chat writes - Blabla welcome to LVDMOD type bla to start, but commands doesent work. The same shit with Race script - types all the info, but no commands working, would be great if you fix that

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