07.10.2010, 20:46
Последний раз редактировалось Mauzen; 16.12.2011 в 20:21.
Причина: Updated PHP link, added PHP script download
Hi guys,
Im back with a - for me - unusual script. MWeather.
I got the idea of making this just a few days ago, from a post of a user in the forum here.
The major feature of the include is to get the real world's weather at any position and to set it on SAMP servers. This is done by samps HTTP function, a tiny php script on my webspace, and a weather website.
(Means: You can set the weather on your server to the current real weather of e.g. the town you live in)
1. Alpha
This is just a alpha version at the moment. It should already work without critical bugs. But besides further testing, I am releasing it at this moment, to get some feedback. I am planning to add some more features and improve the existing ones, but before doing this, i want to know, if there are some people being interested in the script. Else i would just waste my time, if I work on it and no one uses it
So tell me what you think, you can also post any further suggestions you have (from other weather types for real weather states to completely new features you would like to have. Feel free to suggest everything that has something to do with weather)
2. Installation
Copy the pastebin code, create an empty file with pawno or any other editor and paste the code. Then save the file as 'MWeather.inc' in your pawno/include/ folder.
Add #include <MWeather>
to the other includes of your gamemode, and put
somewhere in your OnGameModeInit
Done! You can now use all the functions MWeather provides.
3. Functions
I had two major features in mind when I started creating the script: Getting the real weather in samp, and creating moveable weather zones. Both are working in the alpha version.
I wont explain all the functions here in the forum, becuase it looks ugly with all the text.
So I created a wiki page, that i will update with future versions of the include.
It might be a bit hard to understand at first, because my weather/observer system can be quite confusing, so also feel free to ask questions about how to use this
4. ToDo
As mentioned before, if there are enough people liking this, I will go on with the developement, as I do with all my scripts.
Some of the things I plan to do in the next time: (If you send some suggestions, they might get on the list, too)
(1: low priority, 10: highest priority)
- (4) Optimize the weather ids for the specific real weather states: Some weathers do not fit really well atm.
- (5) Improve zone movement: The movement speed is just a temporary solution, because it is not m/s atm
- (7) Fix zone-in-zone behaviour: If there are two or more zones crossing, the weather is buggy.
- (1) Optimize the code: It is alpha code, very inefficient and untidy. Makes no sense to clean this before planned thigns are added
5. Other infos
My default ©:
You are allowed to use this include in your script.
You are allowed to change the code for private use.
You are not allowed to re-release this script without my permission
If you use this include, it would be nice to give me some credits
in any way. But you do not have to, because I cannot check it
6. Files
Pastebin alpha #2
Filter PHP script
Have fun and dont forget to leave some feedback or feature suggestions!
PS: Yes, i love to edit my posts thousands of times
Im back with a - for me - unusual script. MWeather.
I got the idea of making this just a few days ago, from a post of a user in the forum here.
The major feature of the include is to get the real world's weather at any position and to set it on SAMP servers. This is done by samps HTTP function, a tiny php script on my webspace, and a weather website.
(Means: You can set the weather on your server to the current real weather of e.g. the town you live in)
1. Alpha
This is just a alpha version at the moment. It should already work without critical bugs. But besides further testing, I am releasing it at this moment, to get some feedback. I am planning to add some more features and improve the existing ones, but before doing this, i want to know, if there are some people being interested in the script. Else i would just waste my time, if I work on it and no one uses it

So tell me what you think, you can also post any further suggestions you have (from other weather types for real weather states to completely new features you would like to have. Feel free to suggest everything that has something to do with weather)
2. Installation
Copy the pastebin code, create an empty file with pawno or any other editor and paste the code. Then save the file as 'MWeather.inc' in your pawno/include/ folder.
Add #include <MWeather>
to the other includes of your gamemode, and put
somewhere in your OnGameModeInit
Done! You can now use all the functions MWeather provides.
3. Functions
I had two major features in mind when I started creating the script: Getting the real weather in samp, and creating moveable weather zones. Both are working in the alpha version.
I wont explain all the functions here in the forum, becuase it looks ugly with all the text.
So I created a wiki page, that i will update with future versions of the include.
It might be a bit hard to understand at first, because my weather/observer system can be quite confusing, so also feel free to ask questions about how to use this

4. ToDo
As mentioned before, if there are enough people liking this, I will go on with the developement, as I do with all my scripts.
Some of the things I plan to do in the next time: (If you send some suggestions, they might get on the list, too)
(1: low priority, 10: highest priority)
- (4) Optimize the weather ids for the specific real weather states: Some weathers do not fit really well atm.
- (5) Improve zone movement: The movement speed is just a temporary solution, because it is not m/s atm
- (7) Fix zone-in-zone behaviour: If there are two or more zones crossing, the weather is buggy.
- (1) Optimize the code: It is alpha code, very inefficient and untidy. Makes no sense to clean this before planned thigns are added
5. Other infos
My default ©:
You are allowed to use this include in your script.
You are allowed to change the code for private use.
You are not allowed to re-release this script without my permission
If you use this include, it would be nice to give me some credits
in any way. But you do not have to, because I cannot check it
6. Files
Pastebin alpha #2
Filter PHP script
Have fun and dont forget to leave some feedback or feature suggestions!
PS: Yes, i love to edit my posts thousands of times