Vehicle Shop messing up

Hey guys i got a little problem with creating vehicles when buying from a car shop i made.
What happens is that when i buy the car everything goes well untill you blow the car or it goes in the water
it then respawns at the car shop location after a few seconds of it being destroyed.

I used this for buying the car

CreateVehicle(477, X+4, Y+4, Z + 3.0, Angle + 90.0, -1, -1, 5000);

I checked wiki about the respawn and i guess putting this

CreateVehicle(477, X+4, Y+4, Z + 3.0, Angle + 90.0, -1, -1, -1);

makes it set to not respawn but still it does lol

Anyone got any ideas?

Bumpy McBump

Tried to DestroyVehicle(); after it respawned? I think it would make it not respawn again. Not sure

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